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Arizona Garden in June

This is a Growing in the Garden FREE Printable.
Download June Garden Checklist
June Garden Checklist

If you spend time in an Arizona garden in June, bountiful harvests and stunning blooms are common at the beginning of the month. Early June fills harvest baskets as spring and warm-season crops finish up. However, it soon transitions from warm to hot weather, shifting the garden from production to survival.

June is typically the driest and one of the hottest months in the low desert of Arizona. The average monthly rainfall is just 0.12 inches, and the average temperature is 105ยฐF (74ยฐC). This can be a challenging month for your yard and garden as plants and trees adjust to the heat. What you do this month can help your plants survive the hot summer months ahead. “Low desert” includes elevations below 3500 ft in the Southwest, such as the Phoenix and Tucson metro areas.

Click on the title to jump to that section and learn more about what to do during June:

What to do in the Low Desert Arizona Garden in June

Maximize your Arizona garden’s potential in June. Learn how to navigate the challenges of hot weather and ensure your plants’ survival. Keep reading to learn which tasks to do, how much to water, what pests to expect, what to plant, and a helpful “June Garden Task Checklist“.

When you’re in the garden this month, remember to work outside in the cooler morning and evening hours and stay hydrated.

Arizona Garden in June

Vegetable Gardening in the Low Desert Arizona Garden in June

Arizona Garden in June

This month, hot, dry temperatures are affecting the garden. Correct timing, watering, shade, and mulching are essential.

  • If you haven’t already, add a thick layer (3-5 inches) of mulch to your garden beds. I use the wood chip mulch from Arizona Worm Farm.
  • Harvest any remaining onions and garlic at the beginning of the month. Cure them indoors.
  • Use shade cloth to provide shade for annual vegetables or plant them in areas that receive afternoon shade. I use this shade cloth.
  • If your cucumbers are bitter, it might be the heat. Remove cucumber plants and plant Armenian-type cucumbers this month. They don’t get bitter. Learn more about how to prevent and fix bitter cucumbers in this blog post.
  • Warm-season bush beans finish up this month. Plant heat-loving types like asparagus beans or black-eyed peas instead.
  • Once nighttime temperatures are over 75ยฐF (24ยฐC), tomato pollen may not be viable and new fruit may not form.1 If fruit is slow to ripen, bring tomatoes inside once they have a flush of color to finish ripening indoors. Learn more about how to turn green tomatoes red in this blog post.
  • Consider planting a cover crop in empty beds to keep soil alive over the summer. Learn more about cover crops in this article.
  • Start seeds indoors for a monsoon tomato planting. Check planting lists for additional seeds to start indoors.
  • Provide support for trellis-grown watermelon and cantaloupe as needed.
  • Clear out squash and other warm-season plants that have stopped producing or show signs of heat stress and disease.
  • Powdery mildew is common this month. Learn how to treat it in this blog post.
  • In this article, learn more about using cover crops during summer to improve garden soil.

Possible Harvests This Month:


Armenian Cucumbers, Butternut Squash, Pumpkins, Cucumbers, Summer Squash, Tomatoes, Eggplant, I’itoi onions, Okra, Swiss Chard, Onions, Peppers, Carrots, Mini Pumpkins, Leeks, Garlic, Beans, Tomatillos


Oregano, Sage, Basil, Dill Seeds, Parsley, Parsley Seeds, Rosemary, Thyme, Mint


Chichiquelite, Strawberries, Grapefruit, Figs, Apples, Peaches, Watermelon, Cantaloupe, Passionfruit, Grapes, Ground Cherries

(click on the link to read “How to Grow” articles about each crop)

Arizona Garden in June

Vegetable Watering Guidelines:

  • June is often the hardest month for plants. Do not overwater or underwater this month. Both are harmful to plants. 
  • If you haven’t already, check the irrigation system and timer. Run the system; inspect all drips and sprinklers for leaks and proper watering. 
  • As temperatures heat up, annual vegetables will need more frequent watering. Water to a depth of about 8-12 inches every 2-4 days; allow the top of the soil to dry out before watering again. 
  • I use the garden grids from Garden in Minutes to water my raised beds. Use code Angela10 to save $10 off $100 or GITG5 to save 5 percent on any size order.


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Twice a month, Iโ€™ll share my personal garden journal. From the first seedling to the last harvest, you can follow my gardening adventures in Arizonaโ€™s unique low desert.

Join me, and letโ€™s make your garden thrive under the desert sun!

Low Desert Arizona in June: Pests & Wildlife to Watch Out For This Month

Squash Bugs
Squash bug eggs, nymph, and adults


  • Monitor squash and melon plants for squash bugs in all stages: adults, eggs, and nymphs. Keep a soapy bucket handy to drop them into. This blog post explains how to prevent and treat them.
  • Three-lined potato bugs are a common nuisance on tomatillos and ground cherries. If spotted, check plants several times a day. Keep a soapy bucket handy to drop them into. If numbers increase or get out of hand, consider pulling the plant.
3 Lined Cucumber Beetle
Three-lined potato beetle eggs, larvae, and adult
  • Leaf miners on cantaloupe or other melons. Remove damaged leaves.
  • You may still have aphids or chrysanthemum lace bugs on sunflowers, but hopefully, beneficial insects like lacewings and ladybugs took care of them for you. If not, you can remove damaged leaves and spray them off with water.
  • You may see circles cut out from leaves on roses, pomegranates, and other plants. Leaf-cutter bees are responsible and use the leaves to build their nests. It’s cosmetic damage only and nothing to worry about. These solitary bees are excellent pollinators.
Leaf Cutter Bee Damage
Damage from leaf-cutter bees
  • If rollie-pollies are eating seedlings (they especially love beans) before they sprout, an effective solution is to sprinkle a small amount of this slug and snail bait when you plant. It is iron phosphate with an attractant for slugs. Itโ€™s non-toxic to worms and safe to use.
  • Monitor tomato, pepper, and eggplants for tomato hornworms. If you see insect frass (droppings) or eaten leaves, look closely for hornworms. Handpick and feed to chickens.
Tomato Hornworm and Frass
Tomato hornworm and frass
Spider Mites
Spider mites
  • Grapeleaf skeletonizers may be present on grape vines. If spotted early, you can handpick affected leaves and dispose of eggs and caterpillars. Once a large area is affected, you may need to treat it with Bt-Bacillus thuringiensis. Use only as directed and only on affected areas.
Grape leaf skeletonizer
Grapeleaf skeletonizer eggs and caterpillars
  • Monitor pomegranate trees for all stages of leaf-footed bugs. If spotted, daily vigilance and dropping them into a bucket of soapy water are effective solutions to this difficult pest.
Leaf Footed bug
Leaf-footed eggs, nymphs, and adult

Wildlife and Beneficial Insects:

  • Lovebirds and lesser goldfinch are commonly seen on sunflowers this time of year. They love the seeds, and the lesser goldfinch also enjoy eating the leaves. I love watching them in the garden.
  • Bees, hoverflies, wasps, lacewings, praying mantids, syrphid flies, parasitic wasps, assassin bugs, and other beneficial insects are active now.
  • Gulf fritillary butterflies in all stages, swallowtail butterflies, hummingbirds
Arizona Garden in June
Bee on a sunflower and swallowtail butterfly

Low Desert Arizona in June: Container Gardening Tips

Put away small pots for the summer
Put away small pots for the summer
  • If possible, put small containers away until the fall. The soil from the containers can be used as mulch or added to compost.
  • Move containers to areas of your yard that receive afternoon shade naturally.
  • Group containers and grow bags close together for an insulating effect.

Container Watering Guidelines:

  • As temperatures heat up, monitoring containers closely and watering often is crucial. You may have to water every day. If you’re not sure, use a moisture meter to check soil moisture levels.
  • If containers dry out too much, the soil may become hydrophobic. When watering, check the soil to ensure water is absorbed and not repelled by hydrophobic soil.
  • Add ollas to containers to help with watering during the summer. I use ollas from Growoya. For a discount, use code GROWING.
Use ollas and a moisture meter to help you with watering containers
Use ollas and a moisture meter to help you with watering containers

Flower Gardening in the Low Desert Arizona Garden in June

Arizona Garden in June
  • Plant sunflowers. Pops of yellow flowers brighten up a summer yard and attract birds. I love this branching variety.
  • To extend bloom, deadhead annual warm-season flowers such as zinnias, salvia, coreopsis, gaillardia, marigold, and cosmos. Read this post to learn about flowers that love hot summers. 
  • Roses continue to bloom this month. Keep spent blooms deadheaded and enjoy the blooms.
  • Enjoy hollyhock blooms. Save seeds to spread around your yard and share with friends. If the plants finish up, don’t pull them out. Cut stalks back to about 6 inches above the ground. 
  • Apply a thick layer of mulch around the base of flowers.
  • If you aren’t leaving them in the soil, pull spent bulbs or corms from beds after the foliage completely dies. Store indoors and plant again in the fall.
  • Pinch back zinnia plants to encourage branching.

Which Flowers Might Be Blooming This Month:

Arizona Garden in June
Echinacea, hollyhock, and strawflower

Lisianthus, Scabiosa, Feverfew, Sunflowers, Passionflowers, Strawflowers, Dianthus, Statice, Hollyhocks, Vanity Verbena, Rudbeckia, Salvia, Roses, Everlasting Sweet Peas, Floss-Flower, Shasta Daisy, Echinacea, Yarrow, Gazania, Gomphrena, Gaillardia, Zinnia, Skyflower, Lobelia, Dahlia, Vinca, Coleus, Dara, Aster, Carnation, Angelonia, Cosmos, Black-Eyed Susan Vine, Alyssum, Larkspur, Campanula

(click on the link to read “How to Grow” articles about each crop)

Arizona Garden in June

Flower Watering Guidelines:

As temperatures heat up, annual flowers will need more frequent watering. Water to a depth of about 8-12 inches every 2-4 days; allow the top of the soil to dry out before watering again.

Perpetual Flower Planting Calendar for Zone 9B

Flowers to Plant Outside & Seeds to Start Indoors Each Month in the Low Desert of Arizona.
โ€ข PLANTING GUIDE: Each month lists annual flowers and bulbs to plant outside & seeds to start indoors.
โ€ข BLOOMING GUIDE: Photos show what may be in bloom that month.

Fruit & Fruit Trees in the Low Desert Arizona Garden in June

Arizona Garden in June
Peach Tree
  • If you haven’t already, mulch your trees well. Adding worm castings, compost, and mulch three times a year will prepare and help your trees from high summer temperatures. Learn more in this blog post.
  • Peach and fig harvests continue this month. Keep fruit picked up to discourage insects and pests. Read this article for more information about how to grow peach trees.
  • Pomegranates may drop some fruit this month. Read this article for more information about how to grow pomegranates.
  • Anna’s apple harvests begin this month. Fruit left too long on the plant may cook! Harvest and bring indoors. Here are our favorite recipes to use Anna apples.
  • Monitor grapes for harvest readiness.
  • Passionfruit flowers and fruits this month.
  • Shade newly-planted fruit trees to help them survive their first summer. Monitor watering closely.
Arizona Garden in June
Figs, grapes, and apples


  • There will be some citrus fruit drop this month โ€“ โ€œJune Dropโ€ โ€“ as the tree self-thins to what it can support through the summer. Adequate watering this month is important. June is typically the driest month of the year. 
  • Once citrus softens, it is time to remove the remaining fruit from the tree.
  • Paint or wrap any trunks exposed to sunlight to protect them from damage. Any water-based paint works to paint citrus. I prefer using tree wraps over paint. It’s like wearing sunscreen versus a swim shirt. The wrap offers better protection.
June Drop
“June Drop” Citrus trees self-thin and drop fruit

Fruit Watering Guidelines: 2, 3

Monitor your fruit trees for signs of water stress. Leaf curling is usually the first noticeable sign. Wet the soil from the tree trunk to just past the tree’s drip line.

  • Established citrus trees should be watered once every 7-14 days to a 2-3 feet depth.
  • Water annual fruit and high water use vines every 2-5 days to a depth of 8-12″.
  • Water established fruit trees every 7-10 days to a depth of 18-24″.
  • Grape vines need deep watering every 5 days. 
  • Water annual fruit and high water use vines every 2-5 days to a depth of 8-12″.
Leaf Curling From Water Stress
Extreme Leaf Curling From Water Stress

Herb Gardening in the Low Desert Arizona Garden in June

  • Keep basil cut back above two sets of leaves to encourage branching and a full plant.
  • Allow bolting/flowering dill, cilantro, fennel, and parsley to remain in the garden. This is one of the best ways to attract beneficial insects to your garden; learn more in this blog post.
  • Harvest perennial herbs like sage, rosemary & thyme lightly throughout the summer. Delay heavy pruning until fall.
  • Harvest oregano this month. It will flower soon. Enjoy and preserve the harvest by dehydrating or freeze-drying.
Arizona Garden in June
Lacewing eggs on dill, parsley seeds, and basil

Herb Watering Guidelines:

  • As temperatures heat up, annual herbs will need more frequent watering. Water to a depth of about 8-12 inches every 2-4 days; allow the top of the soil to dry out before watering again.
  • Water desert-adapted landscape perennial herbs (like rosemary) every 7-21 days (water to a depth of 18-24″).
  • Many Mediterranean herbs, such as sage, rosemary, lavender, oregano, and thyme, are more likely to die from overwatering and root rot in the summer than from underwatering. Take care not to overwater them.

Landscape Plants in the Low Desert Arizona Garden in June

Desert Landscaping
  • June is not the month to prune or fertilize landscape plants, trees, and shrubs. Pruning and fertilizing encourage new growth and expose new areas to damaging sunlight, which is stressful for plants when temperatures are above 100ยฐF (38ยฐC).
  • This month, do not add plants, trees, or shrubs to your landscape.
  • If you have any stinknet in your yard, pull it and dispose of it so the seeds do not spread or remain in your yard. Remove it carefully if the flowers are dried and the plant is deadโ€”it will shed thousands of seeds. Bag it up in a sealed bag and throw it in the trash.
  • Palms are an exception to planting. They grow and get established best in warm soils, and June is an excellent month to plant them. Keep the roots and area around the roots hydrated to encourage growth into the surrounding soil. Support the plants until they become established to avoid disturbing the growing roots.
  • If you are considering removing Bermuda grass, June is an excellent time. Learn more in this blog post.
  • Provide shade for new plantings (less than 1 year old) if they show signs of stress, and monitor the root ball to ensure it does not dry out. This blog post discusses different ways to provide shade.

Landscape Watering Guidelines: 2

  • Give landscape plants a long, deep soak at the beginning of the month to prepare them for June’s hot, dry weather. Water should penetrate below the recommended 2-3 foot normal depths to leach the salts that build up in root zones and recharge the dry soil.
  • Desert-adapted trees, shrubs & vines every 7-21 days (water to a depth of 24-36″ trees / 18-24″ shrubs / 8-12″ vines).
  • High water use trees every 7-10 days (water to a depth of 18-24″).
  • High water use shrubs every 5-7 days (water to a depth of 8-12″).
  • High water use vines every 2-5 days (water to a depth of 8-12″).
Dwarf Chaste Tree
Dwarf Chaste Tree

Which Vegetables, Herbs & Fruit to Plant in the Low Desert in June


(Click the link to read “How to Grow” articles on my website.)

SEED, TRANSPLANT, OR BOTH? S = Seed / T= Transplant

Arizona Vegetable Planting Guide helps you learn when to plant vegetables in Arizona and whether to plant seeds or transplants.

Low Desert Arizona in June: Vegetable, herb & fruit seeds to start indoors

Starting Seeds

(Click the link for seed sources.)

Seed Box Labels with planting dates for vegetables and flowers

Which Flowers to Plant in the Low Desert of Arizona in June

  • Angelonia (T)
  • Celosia* thru the 15th (T)
  • Coleus* thru the 15th (T)
  • Cosmos (S)
  • Cosmos (sulfur) (S)
  • Four Oโ€™Clock (S)
  • Gomphrena (T)
  • Portulaca / Moss Rose (ST)
  • Purslane (ST)
  • Rain Lily (bulb)
  • Sunflower (S)
  • Vinca (T)
  • Zinnia (ST)

SEED, TRANSPLANT, OR BOTH? S = Seed / T= Transplant

Arizona annual flowers planting guide helps you learn when to plant flowers in Arizona and whether to plant seeds or transplants.

Low Desert Arizona in June: Flower seeds to start indoors


(Click the link for seed source.)

Vanity Verbena


1 โ€“ For further reading, please refer to the original article: โ€œUniversity of Delaware Cooperative Extension. (2023). Key Strategies for Soybean Management.โ€ https://sites.udel.edu/weeklycropupdate/?p=4489.

2 โ€“ For additional information on watering practices, visit: โ€œAssociation of Municipal Water Users Authority. (2023). Landscaping with Style in the Arizona Desert.โ€ https://www.amwua.org/landscaping-with-style.

3 โ€“ https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/extension.arizona.edu/files/pubs/az1151-2021%20%282%29.pdf

If this post about low desert Arizona gardening in June was helpful, please share it:

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22 comments on "Arizona Garden in June"

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  1. Angela, I always learn from you, and even though I am not as ambitious as you with my own garden, it inspires me to see what is possible in this desert, with knowledge and dedication. I admire you for all your work and for being willing to share and teach others, in addition. Thank you!

  2. Wow, i learned a lot from looking at your post. I never thought that you can grow some of these plants in the Mesa, Arizona. Thanks for sharing this and looking forward for more post.

  3. my tomatoe plants leaves all curled up into themselves. it did have lots of flowers, but nothing happened. my cucumber plant had lots of flowers, I did get 4 cucumbers that were very good, then the vine started to shrivel up and the fruit was yellow. my corn plants were doing very well, then they turned yellow, lost all green color and dried up. did I overwater them? I am from CO. this is my first year. so hopefully next year will be better.

  4. I’m so glad that you posted a list of what we can grow for the month of June. I’m in Tucson, and I thought that I couldn’t grow anything else since it is really hot now(better than last year). You gave me hope! (I thought I had to wait next year or fall for some). I will put those seeds on the ground right away. Keep up the good work! Keep planting and sharing.

  5. Well done. I have been here 20 years and have had hit and miss with tomato and pepper plants. I have never tried a summer garden. Think I will try since June 1 is tomorrow. Thanks, girl.

  6. Having problems setting fruit with my spring tomatoes. My Fall tomatoes have great yields so I feel like my soil conditions are good. I have been growing tomatoes in NE valley for 25+ years in Scottsdale (Shea/104st area) with great success. We moved out to the desert (Goldfield Ranch in Tonto Natl. forest 4 years ago (elevation 1650′) and have had problems every year with spring toms setting fruit. My soil is hauled in and amended with mulch and horse manure for top 8-10″ with native claylike soil below. I feel like it could be temperature related in that initially I have very cool nights in early march when I plant and then early April we get a heat wave and flowers drop again. I definitely get much larger temp swings than I got back in town and wonder if this is the problem. I put shade cloth on in late April. I also think I may have pollination issues as shown in my zucchinis which grow to 3″ or so and drop off. I have had some success with hand pollinating. I’m guessing my humidity out here is lower than in town as well. I have tried pruning suckers off toms as well since plants are heavy on foliage. This helps some I think but still low yields. Other veggies that I grow do quite well ( sev. varieties of peppers, lettuce, cabbage, kale, carrots, onions, Armenian cukes, celery. fennel even pole limas). I’m from back east (Jersey) and have been gardening for over 60 yrs…for me it is all about tomaotes so if they fail I feel like the whole effort was a loss!
    Help if you can

    1. Hi Barry, I’m inclined to agree with you on the temperature fluctuations. They may be stunting the plant a bit in the beginning and then shocking them with heat. That early heatwave this year was tough. I’d try keeping them as warm as possible when you plant or holding off a bit later to plant next spring. I wish I had a better answer for you. Sounds like you are doing a lot of things right, but have had bad timing with the weather.

  7. Just visiting for the first time. Printed the link to Calendar for Maricopa County.
    Starting “Straw Bale Garden” in my back yard in Tempe.
    Sure I will be back to your site. Nicely done.

    1. Thanks so much. I’m glad the information was helpful. Strawbale gardening is a great way to go! Best of luck to you.

  8. On you tube I see so many animal watering tanks that we had on the farm. Can I use them to plant in here in Phoenix or is it is too hot? Paula

  9. You have the most beautiful, informative, yet super easy to digest, blog on gardening I’ve ever seen. I love your posts and have learned so much. You make something overwhelming seem manageable by breaking it down into easier steps. Thank you

  10. Hi, there! I planted seeds for cowpeas, armenian cucumbers, okra, basil, four o’clocks, zinnias, and marigolds about 10 days ago and so far only the cowpeas have sprouted… I thought all these could be directly sown in May, should some of them have been started indoors?

    1. They should all sprout yes. Sometimes keeping the seeds hydrated when it is hot is difficult. You can try planting them a little bit deeper. Make sure the soil doesn’t dry out.

  11. Can I start armenian cucumber in June? My pickling cucumbers are suffering from the heat, but have lots of blooms, will they produce dor me?

    1. I’d start some Armenian cucumbers. The normal types may not produce at this point and if they do, they are likely to be bitter.