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Hi, I’m Angela Judd.

Since becoming a Master Gardener in 2015, I’ve been on a mission to help others succeed in desert gardening. Through this website, my YouTube channel, Instagram, and monthly “Growing in the Garden Academy” classes, I share the tips, techniques, and inspiration you need to overcome challenging climates. I’ve even written “How to Grow Your Own Food” and put together detailed guides for low desert gardening.

Let’s grow together. 

Hello & Welcome

Hello & Welcome

I’m Angela. I’ve been helping people grow thriving gardens in desert climates since 2015.

Let’s turn your tough conditions into gardening successes.

Say Hello on YouTube
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Get my best tips and seasonal gardening advice sent to your inbox each week.

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Get In Touch

If you have specific or general gardening questions, please comment on the relevant blog post or YouTube video. I respond to these as quickly as I can. Keeping them public allows others to learn from your question and my response.

For business inquiries or other questions for our team, please contact us

About Angela


My Family

My husband and I live in Mesa, Arizona. We have 5 children.

We have one son at home, and our daughter and 3 oldest boys are off doing good things.

In the past few years we’ve added 3 spouses to our family. I love being a mother and am excited that we will be grandparents soon!


Planting Seeds

My love of gardening was kindled at a young age when visting my grandparents’ large garden in Indiana. I have fond memories of spending time in their garden and eating freshly-harvested corn, lima beans, and raspberries.


Starting a Garden

We moved to Mesa, Arizona in 2008 and I finally had a space to begin gardening.

Learning from skilled gardeners in classes, and working alongside experienced gardeners in the demonstration garden was invaluable during my Master Gardener certification in 2015.

I began sharing gardening pictures on Instagram and writing articles for the Master Gardener newsletter sent out monthly to local Master Gardeners.


Teaching Others

In late 2017, I started this blog to share insights specific to Arizona’s unique desert climate.

In 2020, I redoubled my efforts at videos and began posting longer, more detailed videos on YouTube.

In 2021, my book “How to Grow Your Own Food: An Illustrated Beginner’s Guide to Container Gardening“, was released and “Growing in the Garden Academy” began.


Silver Laurel Media Award 2024

This national award recognizes individuals and companies who achieve the highest levels of talent and professionalism in garden communications.

Angela Judd Signature

My mission is to empower others to garden successfully, even in tough growing conditions.