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Types of Citrus Trees – Varieties of Citrus

Oranges might be one of the most popular fruits on the planet, but they’re just the beginning when it comes to citrus. From sweet navels and tangy grapefruits to bright lemons and more exotic, uniquely flavored varieties, there’s a citrus type for every taste.

In fact, one of the original Washington navel orange trees planted in 1873 still produces fruit in Riverside, California—proving just how long-lived and rewarding citrus trees can be. We drove by and visited it on a recent family trip.

Parent Navel Orange Tree in Riverside California
Parent Navel Orange Tree in Riverside, California

I currently grow 18 citrus varieties in my yard and garden, some in the ground and others in containers. Sampling different types throughout the year is one of my favorite things about growing a large variety of citrus trees. Browse through this list and pick a few varieties that appeal to you.

If you need guidance on how to grow, protect, and care for your citrus trees, take advantage of the following resources on my website:

Trying to decide which citrus to plant? This article gives ideas on narrowing your search for the right type.

If you plant the right trees, having something from your fruit trees to harvest year-round is very possible. This post will help you find ideas about what to plant for year-round fruit tree harvests.

Use these resources to ensure your citrus trees thrive for years to come—and don’t forget to share your favorite citrus varieties in the comments.

30 Different Types of Citrus

(Click on the type name to go directly to that variety of citrus)

Washington Navel

Types of citrus trees - varieties of citrus - which kind of citrus should I plant? #citrus #plantingcitrus #choosingcitrus

One of the most popular varieties. 

Ripens mid-season.

Best eaten fresh. Large, good-quality fruit is seedless and easy to peel. Sensitive to heat.

Cara Cara Navel

TYPES OF CITRUS TREES – VARIETIES OF CITRUS - Which type of citrus to plant #citrus #citrustrees #choosingcitrus

Seedless crimson flesh (similar to red grapefruit).

Ripens early winter. 

Rich sweet flavor is similar to other navel varieties.

Lane late navel

Lane Late Navel Orange

Newer Australian variety. 

Ripens beginning in January and can be harvested later than other navels. 

Sometimes called a summer navel. 


 Originated in Arizona. 

Small to medium fruit with few seeds.  Trees produce lots of fruit. 

Excellent for juicing. 


Average size thin-skinned fruit with seeds. Excellent for juicing.

Ripens early in the season. 

Large tree with thorns. 


Trovita Sweet Orange

Most popular sweet orange. Produces well in Arizona’s low desert. 

Excellent for juicing.

Medium to large fruit with 6-10 seeds per fruit. 

Midknight Valencia

Midknight Valencia

Summer ripening, sweeter than average Valencia. 

Excellent eating and juicing orange. 

Seedless type of citrus tree.

Moro Blood orange

Types of citrus trees - varieties of citrus - which kind of citrus should I plant? #citrus #plantingcitrus #choosingcitrus

Spring ripening, with tart berry-like flavor.

Distinct purple color even in warmer areas.

sanguinelli blood orange

TYPES OF CITRUS TREES – VARIETIES OF CITRUS - Which type of citrus to plant #citrus #citrustrees #choosingcitrus

Spring ripening with tart spicy flavor. 

Blood red juice and red-tinted rind develop best in hot dry summers followed by a cold winter.  

Stores well on tree. 


Satsuma Owari Mandarin

Early ripening (November-December) mandarin.

Less seeds than most mandarins. 

Slow-growing, but hardiest of all mandarins. 

clementine (Algerian) Mandarin

Types of citrus trees - varieties of citrus - which kind of citrus should I plant? #citrus #plantingcitrus #choosingcitrus

Early ripening (November) tart fruit. 

Small to medium fruit. 

Cross-pollination of multiple trees increases yield and seeds.

daisy mandarin

Early season very sweet-flavored mandarin.

Medium to large fruit, 0-5 seeds. 

Small type of citrus tree.

Rio Red Grapefruit

Types of citrus trees - varieties of citrus - which kind of citrus should I plant? #citrus #plantingcitrus #choosingcitrus

Most cold-hardy of all grapefruit. 

Large fruit with few seeds. Dark pink flesh. Skin can take on pink tint as well. 

Pick fruit beginning in December and harvest until heat of summer. 

oro blanco (grapefruit-pummelo Hybrid)

Oro Blanco Grapefruit

Harvest in winter. 

Sweet fruit even in mild climates. Thick peel.  

Fragrant blooms and large glossy green leaves.

marsh seedless grapefruit

Marsh Seedless Grapefruit

Most common white grapefruit in low desert. 

Begin harvesting in December. Fruit tastes best from March – May.

Large with few seeds and white flesh.

sarawak tahitIan pummelo

Sarahwalk Tahitian Pumello

Small tree. Thinner skin than most pummelos.

Seedy, slightly tart and juicy.

chandler Pummelo

TYPES OF CITRUS TREES – VARIETIES OF CITRUS - Which type of citrus to plant #citrus #citrustrees #choosingcitrus

Firm, pink flesh with good flavor. 

Large tree with glossy leaves and large, fragrant  blossoms. 

Early ripening. 

ponderosa lemon

Ponderosa Lemon

Probably a cross between a lemon and a citron. 

Often grown as an ornamental tree. 

Very large acidic fruit has thick peel.

eureka lemon

Eureka Lemon

Large, vigorous, thornless tree. 

Lemon is rough-rinded with less pronounced nipple. 

Classic lemon, good quality fruit. 

meyer lemon

TYPES OF CITRUS TREES – VARIETIES OF CITRUS - Which type of citrus to plant #citrus #citrustrees #choosingcitrus

Improved varieties are virus-free and safe for home garden. 

Fragrant blossoms and thin-skinned, lemons. Juicy fruit has less acid than other lemons. 

Large shrub or small tree. 

lisbon lemon

Lisbon Lemon

Medium-sized fruit with traditional tart lemon flavor. 

More prominent nipple and smoother skin than Eureka lemon. 

Like all lemons, more frost-sensitive than other citrus. 

pink eureka lemon

Pink Eureka Lemon

Variegated leaves, with pink blossoms and new foliage.

Pale pink flesh with clear juice. 

One of the few variegated types of citrus trees.

kiEffEr lime – citrus hystrix

Distinctively shaped double leaves.

Aromatic leaves used in Thai cooking, soups and curry. 

Bumpy, rough green fruit ripens to yellow. 

bearSs (tahitiAN) lime

Bearrs Tahiti Lime

Fruit ripens in June. 

Larger fruit than Mexican lime. 

Juicy and seedless lime.

All limes are extremely frost sensitive.

mexican key lime

Mexican Key Lime

Ripens in September. 

Smaller fruit than Bearss lime. 

Flavorful and juicy, with some seeds. 

All limes are extremely frost sensitive. 

buddhA’s hand

Finger-like sections of fruit resemble a human hand. 

Distinct fruit in the citron family. 

Consists only of rind; no juice, pulp or seeds.


Etrog Citron

Looks like a large, knobby, ribbed lemon.

Very thick rind and aromatic skin.

The rind and oil are the most commonly used parts of the fruit.


Types of citrus trees - varieties of citrus - which kind of citrus should I plant? #citrus #plantingcitrus #choosingcitrus

Cross between mandarin and kumquat. 

Excellent in containers. 

Cold-hardy to about 20°F.

Prolific tart fruit can be eaten whole. 

nagami kumquat

Nagami Kumquat

Oblong, acidic, bright orange fruit.

Cold-hardy to about 18°F.

Often grown as a decorative or ornamental type of citrus tree. 

Fukushu Kumquat

Small, sweet, brightly-colored orange fruit can be eaten whole. 

Small tree with dark foliage. 

Excellent container or ornamental plant. 

More Citrus Growing Resources:

Questions about growing citrus? This article shares 10 common citrus growing mistakes and includes guidelines for selecting, planting, watering, and fertilizing citrus.

Have questions about planting, watering or fertilizing citrus? Listen to this Encyclopedia Botanica podcast I was a guest expert on with Hilary from Seattle Urban Farm Co.

If this post about different citrus varieties was helpful, please share it.

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8 comments on "Types of Citrus Trees – Varieties of Citrus"

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  1. Thank you so much for this incredibly helpful post! I’m trying to choose one of the 3 varieties of blood orange trees: Moro, Tarocco, or Sanguinello/i. If you could have just one (we don’t have room for more!) and the oranges were for eating, which one? To give an idea of what pleases my taste buds: I normally prefer navel oranges we buy at the store (not sure which variety is usually sold), and I don’t like the thin-skinned, quite seedy oranges my in-laws have on their orange tree (variety unknown). We’re local, located in North Phoenix.

    1. I would really try to go to a local nursery like Greenfield Citrus Nursery, they may have samples in the store you could purchase. My favorite is the Sanguinello.

  2. Thank you so much, Angela! I’m deciding between Sanguinello and Tarocco. We’ll try to make it to Greenfield Citrus Nursery this weekend and see if they can help us to narrow it down.

  3. Until the February 14, 2021 freeze in Houston, I used to have a 30+ year old citrus that produced a fruit that was the size between a grapefruit and a pummelo. The rind was yellow like the grapefruit but smoother. The flesh inside was a lite pink to light salmon color. This fruit made the wolds best juice for drinking and cocktails. I have searched the internet to try and figure out what variety this tree was and I am not having any luck. Have you heard of such a fruit with this description? Many thanks

    1. I’m sorry you lost your tree. That freeze has had so many far reaching effects. I’m not sure what type that would be, it sounds delicious.

  4. I love your blog! It is my go to resource for gardening. I’m going to be buying some citrus soon and I’m trying to find one that is ripe later in the season, has few to no seeds, is good for eating (similar to Washington navel: sweet, easy to peel, and section). We are planning to go to greenfield nursery and they recommend Macetera as the later season eating orange, but you didn’t seem to speak highly of it. I’d really love to hear more about the Macetera and what longer season eating orange you recommend for my navel loving family.

    The others you listed that sounded like they might be good are late lane and midnight Valencia. Where did you find those and what is their harvest window?

    1. I would definitely follow Greenfield nursery’s recommendation. They are an excellent grower. The nice thing about purchasing this time of year is you can sample the fruit and decide if you like it.

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