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July Desert Gardening

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Gardening in the low desert of Arizona during July is difficult. Learn how to maximize your Arizona garden’s potential in July and navigate the challenges of hot weather to ensure your plants’ survival. Keep reading to learn which tasks to do, how much to water, and which pests may show up.

For information about what to plant and harvest in the low desert during July, please see my planting guides or this blog post, “What to Plant and Harvest in July: Low Desert of Arizona.”

Click on the title to jump to that section and learn more about what to do during July:

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What To Do in the Low Desert Arizona Garden in July

July is typically the hottest month in the low desert. Monsoons may bring humidity and moisture, but they may not. It’s essential to pay attention to your plants’ watering needs this month. The average temperature is 107°F (41.6°C), and the average rainfall is 1.22 inches. When you’re in the garden this month, remember to work outside in the cooler morning and evening hours and stay hydrated. Low desert includes elevations below 3500 ft in the Southwest, such as the Phoenix and Tucson metro areas.

Vegetable Gardening in the Low Desert Arizona Garden in July

A few keys to gardening during July in the low desert include:

Vegetable garden tasks during July:

  • Prepare for monsoon winds by staking roselle plants, large sunflowers, and other plants requiring extra support. This blog post explains more about monsoon gardening.
  • Consider planting sweet potato slips or black-eyed peas as a cover crop in any empty beds. Learn more in this blog post.
  • Fertilize sweet potatoes with a balanced fertilizer
  • Clear out squash and other plants that have stopped producing or show signs of heat stress and disease to make room for monsoon and fall planting.
  • Don’t prune or fertilize most plants. Most need to be in summer dormancy to survive. Pruning can expose new areas to sunlight damage, and fertilizing can cause stress. 
  • Bell peppers can get sunburned if fruits get direct sun; provide some shade if scalding is a problem. 
  • Tomatoes may be finishing up. Remove spent or diseased plants. Note which varieties you liked and which did well. If tomato plants still look healthy, let them stay in the garden and keep them alive. They will produce again when temperatures fall.
  • Cucumber production slows or even stops this month as temperatures heat up. Pull plants if necessary if cucumbers are bitter or pests or diseases are an issue. Plant Armenian cucumbers in their place.
  • Pot up any indoor-grown seedlings outgrowing their containers if it is not time to plant them outside. Fertilize indoor-grown seedlings every other watering.
  • Read this post to see if metal beds heat up more than wooden beds.
Anemone corms
  • If you haven’t already, order garlic and other fall-planted bulbs like ranunculus and anemone. Also, order prechilled tulip bulbs to plant at Thanksgiving and saffron crocus if you want to grow the world’s most expensive spice. Read how to grow guides for ranunculus, anemones, and tulips.
  • Go through your seeds and plan for fall and winter planting. 
  • Onion blooms have developed seeds. Save them and try growing your own from seed. You can also save bolted parsley and dill seeds.

If you would like to learn more about the principles of successful desert gardening, my guide, “Desert Gardening: How to Grow Vegetables in a Hot, Dry Climate,” may be helpful.

Vegetable Watering Guidelines:

  • Hopefully, monsoon humidity and added moisture will come to the low desert this month. A rain gauge helps measure how much rain you receive. If you measure .5 inches of rain, check that the rain penetrated your soil and then turn off your water timer. You can also insert a screwdriver into grass or rocks to determine whether to water. If it passes easily into the soil, you can wait to water. Monitor plants for signs of stress and ensure they get enough water and have good drainage.  
  • During hot weather, annual vegetables need more frequent watering. Water to a depth of about 8-12 inches every 2-3 days, allowing the top of the soil to dry out before watering again. 
  • During July, I usually water my raised beds every other day. I use the garden grids from Garden in Minutes to water my raised beds. Use code Angela10 to save $10 off $100 or GITG5 to save 5 percent on any size order.
  • If you haven’t already, check the irrigation system and timer. Run the system; inspect all drips and sprinklers for leaks and proper watering. 
Rachio Smart Sprinkler Controller

My July Garden Journals

Twice a month, I send my personal garden journal to members of “Growing in the Garden Academy.” From the first seedling to the last harvest, you can follow my gardening adventures in Arizona’s unique low desert. As a member, you also have access to the past three years of garden journals and monthly classes.

Join me, and let’s make your garden thrive under the desert sun!

Low Desert Arizona in July: Pests & Wildlife to Watch Out For This Month

Monitor plants for pests and diseases. Removing plants is often better than treating them if plants are struggling or overwhelmed with pests. The heat is stressful for plants – they probably won’t recover if overtaken. 

Damage from leaf-cutter bees

Common Pests During July:

  • You may see circles cut out from leaves on roses, pomegranates, and other plants. Leaf-cutter bees are responsible and use the leaves to build their nests. It’s cosmetic damage only and nothing to worry about. These solitary bees are excellent pollinators.
  • Monitor squash and melon plants for squash bugs in all stages: adults, eggs, and nymphs. This post will teach you more about preventing and controlling squash bugs.
  • Three-lined potato bugs are a common nuisance on tomatillos and ground cherries. If spotted, check plants several times a day. Keep a soapy bucket handy to drop them into. If numbers increase or get out of hand, consider pulling the plant.
  • Leaf miners on cantaloupe or other melons. Remove damaged leaves.
  • You may still have aphids or chrysanthemum lace bugs on sunflowers, but hopefully, beneficial insects like lacewings and ladybugs will take care of them for you. If not, you can remove damaged leaves and spray them with water.
Spray off beans with water to discourage spider mites
  • Spider mites are common on beans, especially in hot, dry conditions. This blog post explains how to prevent and treat them.
  • If rollie-pollies are eating seedlings (they especially love beans) before they sprout, an effective solution is to sprinkle a small amount of this slug and snail bait when you plant. It is iron phosphate with an attractant for slugs. It’s non-toxic to worms and safe to use.
  • Monitor tomato, pepper, and eggplants for tomato hornworms. If you see insect frass (droppings) or eaten leaves, look closely for hornworms. Handpick and feed to chickens.
A soapy bucket of water is essential for catching squash bugs and leaf-footed bugs
  • Monitor pomegranate trees for all stages of leaf-footed bugs. If spotted, daily vigilance and dropping them into a bucket of soapy water are effective solutions to this difficult pest.
  • Other common pests include katydids, crickets, and grasshoppers. Birds and spiders are natural predators.
  • Milkweed and other seed bugs are common on seed pods and best left untreated; they usually don’t cause damage.
Lovebirds on branching sunflowers in Mesa, Arizona

Wildlife and Beneficial Insects:

Abandoned cicada exoskeletons on a vitex trunk
  • During July, the hum of cicadas often fills the air. They emerge from the soil and love warm, humid temperatures. Cicadas are Important pollinators and a food source for other animals.
  • Lovebirds and lesser goldfinch are commonly seen on sunflowers this time of year. They love the seeds, and the lesser goldfinch also enjoy eating the leaves.
  • Bees, hoverflies, wasps, lacewings, praying mantids, syrphid flies, parasitic wasps, assassin bugs, and other beneficial insects are active now.
  • Other wildlife may include lizards, hummingbirds, butterflies, and moths.
  • Keep your chickens cool by providing water for them to stand in. Consider adding a misting stand. Keeping them hydrated with extra cucumbers and watermelon can also help. 
Gulf Fritillary caterpillar

Low Desert Arizona in July: Container Gardening Tips

  • If possible, put small containers away until the fall. Use the soil from the containers as mulch or add to compost.
  • Move containers to areas of your yard that receive afternoon shade naturally.
  • Group containers and grow bags close together for an insulating effect.

Container Watering Guidelines:

  • As temperatures heat up, monitoring containers closely and watering often is crucial. You may have to water every day. If you’re not sure, use a moisture meter to check soil moisture levels.
  • If containers dry out too much, the soil may become hydrophobic. When watering, check the soil to ensure water is absorbed and not repelled by hydrophobic soil.
  • During July, I usually water my containers every other day and fill up the ollas each time I water. Adding ollas to containers helps with watering during the summer. I use ollas from Growoya. For a discount, use code GROWING.

Flower Gardening in the Low Desert Arizona Garden in July

Arizona gardening in July wouldn’t be the same without sunflowers! I love this branching variety. They are everywhere in my yard, and I love them. There are many reasons to plant sunflowers: they provide shade, can be used as a trellis, attract wildlife and pollinators, and are simple to grow from seed in nearly any spot in your yard.

  • Rudbeckia attracts pollinators, grows well from seed, and makes an excellent cut flower.
  • Tithonia is a heat-loving favorite that also makes an excellent cover crop.
  • Globe Amaranth thrives in the heat with consistent watering. I like to harvest the flowers for cut flowers. I’ve planted them in my flower beds and throughout my garden beds to attract pollinators.
  • Cut back spent hollyhocks and save the seeds this month. Leave the roots in place.
  • Zinnias are a champion of Arizona gardening in July. Give them consistent moisture, and enjoy the lovely blooms! They are also excellent cut flowers. Get more details about how to use and install trellis netting for cut flowers in this guide.
Zinnias growing up through trellis netting for cut flowers

Flower Watering Guidelines:

As temperatures heat up, annual flowers will need more frequent watering. Water to a depth of about 8-12 inches every 2-4 days; allow the top of the soil to dry out before watering again.

Fruit & Fruit Trees in the Low Desert Arizona Garden in July

  • Fertilize blackberries with a balanced fertilizer
  • If you haven’t already, mulch your trees well. Adding worm castings, compost, and mulch three times a year will prepare and help your trees from high summer temperatures. Learn more in this blog post. Valentine’s Day, Memorial Day, and Labor Day are the best times to do this. However, it is beneficial at any time of year and will not burn plants.
  • Keep fruit picked up to discourage insects and pests.
  • Pomegranates may drop some fruit this month. Read this article for more information about how to grow pomegranates.
  • Anna’s apple harvests finish up this month. Fruit left too long on the plant may cook! Harvest and bring indoors. Here are our favorite recipes to use Anna apples.
  • Monitor grapes and blackberries for harvest readiness. Cover to protect from birds if necessary.
  • Shade newly planted fruit trees to help them survive their first summer. Monitor watering closely.


  • Citrus is developing on all the citrus trees throughout the yard. Last month, the trees self-thinned, and the fruit that is left on the tree is growing well. Citrus trees appreciate the monsoon rains and higher humidity this month.
  • Paint or wrap any trunks exposed to sunlight to protect them from damage. Any water-based paint works to paint citrus. I prefer using tree wraps over paint. It’s like wearing sunscreen versus a swim shirt. The wrap offers better protection.

Fruit Watering Guidelines: 1, 2

Monitor your fruit trees for signs of water stress. Leaf curling is usually the first noticeable sign. Wet the soil from the tree trunk to just past the tree’s drip line.

  • Established citrus trees should be watered once every 7-14 days to a 2-3 feet depth.
  • Water annual fruit and high water use vines every 2-5 days to a depth of 8-12″.
  • Water established fruit trees every 7-10 days to a depth of 18-24″.
  • Grape vines need deep watering every 5 days. 
  • Water annual fruit and high water use vines every 2-5 days to a depth of 8-12″.

Herb Gardening in the Low Desert Arizona Garden in July

Mrs. Burn’s lemon basil
  • Lemongrass grows quickly in the heat.
  • Lightly harvest perennial Herbs like rosemary, thyme, sage, and oregano. Cutting back too much can be stressful.
  • Mint doesn’t look great over the summer. When temperatures moderate in the fall it will rebound.
  • Basil is the champion herb of summer. The more you harvest, the more it will grow. Use it and preserve it by freezing or freeze-drying.
  • Harvest seeds from bolting parsley, fennel, and dill.
Bolted fennel

Herb Watering Guidelines:

  • As temperatures heat up, annual herbs will need more frequent watering. Water to a depth of about 8-12 inches every 2-4 days; allow the top of the soil to dry out before watering again.
  • Water desert-adapted landscape perennial herbs (like rosemary) every 7-21 days (water to a depth of 18-24″).
  • Many Mediterranean herbs, such as sage, rosemary, lavender, oregano, and thyme, are more likely to die from overwatering and root rot in the summer than from underwatering. Take care not to overwater them.
  • Arizona Herb Planting Guide helps you learn when to plant over 30 different herbs in Arizona and whether to plant seeds or transplants.

Landscape Plants in the Low Desert Arizona Garden in July

Sparky Tecoma
  • Prepare for monsoon winds by staking any small trees requiring extra support and properly pruning trees and shrubs. If limbs or branches break, prune back to the main trunk if possible. Learn more about preparing for monsoons in this blog post.
  • Tecoma is in full bloom and doesn’t mind the heat. Hummingbirds and pollinators love it.
  • Yellow Dot is a vigorous ground cover that grows rapidly in well-drained soil and can grow in full sun or shady areas.
  • Ornamental Sweet Potato Vine is a fast grower available in several colors. . Learn more about how to grow sweet potato vine in this article.
  • July is not the month to prune or fertilize landscape plants, trees, and shrubs. Pruning and fertilizing encourage new growth and expose new areas to damaging sunlight, which is stressful for plants when temperatures are above 100°F (38°C).
  • If plants die, don’t replace them. Instead, look around at other plants in your neighborhood growing well for replacement ideas. For desert-adapted plants that require less water, check this guide, Landscape Plants for the Arizona Desert. Wait to plant until the fall.
  • If stinknet sprouts in your yard, pull it and dispose of it so the seeds do not spread.
Landscape Plants for the Arizona Desert
  • Palms are an exception to planting. They grow and get established best in warm soils, and July is a good month to plant them.
  • If you are considering removing Bermuda grass, July is an excellent time. Learn more in this blog post.
  • Provide shade for new plantings (less than 1 year old) if they show signs of stress, and monitor the root ball to ensure it does not dry out. This blog post discusses different ways to provide shade.

Landscape Watering Guidelines: 1

  • Water twice as long at least once. Plan one extra-long watering this month to flush the accumulated salt buildup deeper into the soil.
  • Desert-adapted trees, shrubs & vines every 7-21 days (water to a depth of 24-36″ trees / 18-24″ shrubs / 8-12″ vines).
  • High water use trees every 7-10 days (water to a depth of 18-24″).
  • High water use shrubs every 5-7 days (water to a depth of 8-12″).
  • High water use vines every 2-5 days (water to a depth of 8-12″).


1 – For additional information on watering practices, visit: “Association of Municipal Water Users Authority. (2023). Landscaping with Style in the Arizona Desert.” https://www.amwua.org/landscaping-with-style.

2 – https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/extension.arizona.edu/files/pubs/az1151-2021%20%282%29.pdf

If this post about low desert Arizona gardening during July was helpful, please share it:

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13 comments on "July Desert Gardening"

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    1. Provide some shade if you can, if not make sure it’s watered well. Many of my citrus trees end up with some by the end of summer. Usually the tree recovers. Don’t prune or remove leaves, it will expose new leaves and branches to damage.

  1. Hi Angela! I love your videos and blog, thank you for doing this!

    I do have one question… When you say plant these vegetables… are the above from seed or transplant.

    Thank you so very kindly, and keep up the great work!

    1. You’re right! I didn’t specify on this post. I updated the post with the correct information. Thanks for letting me know.

  2. This blog is amazing, so helpful for our unique growing conditions here in Arizona, thanks so much for sharing all your wonderful information.
    Can you please recommend Tomato varieties best suited for fall and spring planting. I’m in Buckeye and have tried several Heirloom varieties, some do well, others not so much.
    Do you have a list of the best varieties of all vegetables to grow here?
    Again, THANK YOU!

    1. Look for shorter season varieties. Some of my favorites are Celebrity, Early Girl, Yellow Pear and Roma. I don’t have a list, but that’s a good idea!

  3. I struggle with watering in the summer! Right now I hand water. Not sure how to get started on a watering system for my raised beds and tropical area. Suggestions? I want to order the timer, but what about the grids and how to hook them up?

    1. Watering during the hottest months of the year is tricky for sure. Adding an automatic watering system can help. Garden in Minutes has many helpful installation videos on their website if you are connecting the watering grids to a hose. If you are connecting to your main sprinkler system you may need professional help.

  4. Hello,

    Very, Very new gardener here! I have learned a lot from your website but I am still a little confused when it comes to making the choice to sow seeds directly into the garden verses when to start them indoors.

    For example, under the section “Which vegetables, herbs, and fruit to plant in the low desert in July” it specifies when to use S or T next to the plant. Does that mean if it has an S I can sow those seeds directly into the garden? Or do I need to start a seed plant indoors before I can then transplant it to the garden?

    Can you just sow seeds directly into the garden if you want to skip the indoor process?

    Thank you!

    1. Hi Madison – yes the S means you can plant outside from seed and the T means you can plant outside from transplant. If ST is listed you can do either way. If it is just T then transplants are best. You don’t need to start your own, you can look for transplants at local nurseries. Hope this helps and best of luck to you!

  5. Hello!

    My pumpkin plant in my raised bed has sprouted leaves and is about 6-8in in height. The leaves look great with the exception that they are all a very pale green color. They don’t look wilted or damaged by mildew. Should I be concerned? If so what might be the cause?… I live in AZ so I am not sure if these horrid temperatures may contribute to the lack of color?