How to grow Roselle Hibiscus: Growing Jamaican Sorrel
Roselle hibiscus, red sorrel, Jamaican sorrel, and Florida cranberry are a few of the many names for “Hibiscus sabdariffa”, which is a tasty and stunning addition to the garden. Learn how to grow roselle hibiscus, and enjoy the season-long color, beautiful blooms, and red flavorful calyces it produces.
8 Tips for How to Grow Roselle Hibiscus
1. Plant roselle at the right time
- Roselle germinates at soil temperatures between 75°- 85°F, and does well directly sown in the garden.
- Plant 2-3 seeds 1/2 inch deep and about 3 feet apart. When seedlings are 2-3 inches tall thin to the strongest seedling.
- In the low desert of Arizona, plant roselle from seed or transplants once temperatures warm up in March through the end of May. (Start seeds indoors from February – April.)
- In cooler climates, start roselle from seed indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost. When seedlings are 3-4 inches high, transplant them into a spot in the garden with full sun.

2. Plant roselle in the best location

Roselle prefers well-draining fertile soil. Overly rich soil or extra fertilization leads to a very large plant with fewer calyces. A sunny spot is best for growing roselle successfully. In the low-desert of Arizona, some afternoon shade is fine.
3. Give roselle plenty of moisture
Roselle hibiscus prefers humid, warm conditions and does not tolerate frost. It is grown as a short-lived perennial in zones 10 and 11, and as an annual in cooler zones.

In the low desert of Arizona, the roselle plant begins to thrive when the more humid monsoon weather begins. Keep the soil evenly moist as roselle grows. Take care not to overwater as roselle can be affected by root rot if the soil is not well-draining.
4. Give roselle hibiscus room and support to grow

A roselle plant is very large and needs plenty of room. Space plants 3-6 feet apart in rows at least 5 feet apart. One or two good-sized plants may be all you need for a bountiful harvest of the beautiful calyces. Provide support for roselle hibiscus. I normally use a length of rebar pounded into the ground (about a foot) as a support. The branches can get very heavy, especially after a rain or once branches are loaded with blooms and calyces.

5. Understand that roselle is day-length sensitive
What does that mean? When a plant is “day-length sensitive”, the light cycle affects when the plant will bloom. The stunning blooms (similar to okra blooms) are triggered as the days get shorter in the fall.

Although the plants don’t bloom until fall, planting roselle earlier in the season ensures a large plant with plenty of blooms and calyces to harvest. Roselle planted in August would (probably) still bloom, but the resulting plant and harvests would be much smaller.
6. Harvest roselle calyces at the right time
- After the beautiful roselle bloom fades, the flower withers and falls off.
- Between 7-10 days after blooming is the best time to pick the calyces.
- It is time to harvest when the pointy red calyx around the seed pod is just over an inch wide. The seed pod is fully grown but still tender.
- • To avoid damage to the branch it’s best to remove the calyx with clippers.
- Harvesting roselle calyces early and often increases the overall yield of the plant.

7. Use roselle hibiscus in several ways
The flavor of the roselle calyx is similar to cranberry, but less bitter with lemon undertones. To use the calyces, cut open the calyx, remove the white seed capsule, and rinse before using.
Use the calyces to make jellies, juice, tea, pies, and even this recipe for “mock” cranberry sauce for Thanksgiving.
One of the most popular uses, especially in Jamaica, is as a seasonal drink, “Rosa de Jamaica” at Christmas time in Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean. In Mexico and in Mexican restaurants in the United States, the beverage is known simply as “Jamaica”.
The blooms, leaves, and pods of roselle hibiscus are also edible. The leaves taste like spicy spinach, and are used in many cultures around the world. Use the leaves in salads, cooked greens, tea, and jams. Both the leaves and calyces contain natural pectin.

Looking for recipes to use roselle hibiscus? In this article I share my 5 favorite.
8. Save seeds to plant and share with others
Leave a few calyces on the plant to harvest the seeds at the end of the season. To harvest roselle seeds, allow the pods to stay on the plant until the seeds inside have dried and turned brown. When the seed pods dry, they will crack open easily. Shake out the seeds, and store them in a dark, cool location.
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I grew my first Roselle last year and I’m totally hooked. I’d like to plant several more this week along with a bunch of other stuff. I want to try to pack in as much stuff as I can to help keep the soil cool. My question is, does Roselle grow well with others? Maybe, sweet potato growing near by can stretch it’s vines under the Roselle like a living mulch or particular herb or flower that makes the Roselle happy?
Good question. Roselle gets quite large and can shade other plants, but it takes a while to grow that large. I like the idea of trying sweet potatoes underneath. Make sure to allow plenty of room around the plant for the potatoes as well. You may need to prune some of the lower branches on the roselle to give the sweet potato room. I grew roselle near zinnias last year and they both did well. Sunflowes and beans would also make good companions. Happy planting. Let me know how it goes.
@Christy Keeling, how did it go? I want to try this too
@Hannah, I have sweet potatoes under my roselle, next to the side of the house (creates a microclimate). They both have been going strong for over 1 1/2 years (survived ‘21’s frosts). They’re definitely friends!!
@Christy Keeling, I grew mine this year with okra. They worked very well together. I am going to try your sweet potato vine underneath as my Georgia clay got very dry.
@Christy Keeling, I grew sweet potatoes in pots and decided to plant Jamaican Sorrel together with them. They did well until the sweet potatoes started to take over the soil. They crowded out the Sorrel so I ultimately harvested the sweet potatoes and replanted what had survived of the Sorrel plants. The Sorrel recovered, but it was a lesson I won’t soon forget. The sweet potato roots had grown to fill the entire container. I won’t be doing that again. Plant them a few feet apart if you want the soil protected by the sweet potato folliage for cool soil, but keep in mind that sweet potato plants can deprive your Sorrel of growing room and nutrients in the soil.
Thank you so much for the tips. I want to try those. Where do I buy roselle seeds?
I’m glad it’s helpful. You can buy seeds from Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds or Southern Exposure Seeds
I just purchased some seeds and will plant this Spring. Just curious can you grown them in grow bags?
Thank you
The plants get large and will need staking. Use a large grow bag (at least 10 gallon) and try to give the plant some support.
I grew some from seed in 15″ clay pots. They did not get very big or develop a lot of leaves, but they were covered with calyses. Next year I supplant in 15 gal. Bags. I didn’t know they were annuals, as I have another hibiscus that’s been with me for ten years.
10 years! Wow! Although a perennial, roselle is usually grown as an annual in cooler climates. I imagine you will have better luck with a larger container. I’m glad to hear you got a lot of calyxes.
I planted roselle seeds in mid March- in Tempe. The one plant that came up is only about 8 inches tall with around 10-12 leaves. Does that seem right? I’ve been providing afternoon shade because it’s so hot. Does it need more sun or this growth is normal?
Thank you to whoever has any info about this!
Hopefully you are growing it in good soil. The plants don’t need additional shade. Be careful not to overwater, if the top of the soil is moist, let it dry out a bit before watering. Mulch the plant well. You should see good growth with these great temps and humidity we’ve been having.
I just bought a 19 inch roselle at Summerwinds Oct.9th. Is there any hope for growing this in container? Help
Possibly – that sounds like a good size plant. It should begin flowering soon if it hasn’t already.
Thank you would the hard AZ ground be better?
You could try transplanting it into a larger container – or into the ground if the pot it is in isn’t large enough.
Thanks so much
what type of soil do you use? I just bought 3 about foot tall roselles. Am planning on pot growing for awhile. I was planning on putting them in front of the house but there’s a lot of rain run off, although it does drain well. also lots of shad until late morning ,then sun. in the afternoon, the sun goes on the other side of the house, so it’s in shade. Is this enough sun?
I used the raised bed mix from Arizona Worm Farm. Here is a post with more information about the soil: Roselle is a warm season plant, if your area gets a freeze they will die. Good drainage is vital – too much water and they will rot. They need at least 6-8 hours of sun. Hope that helps.
I live in zone 6b in southeast Pennsylvania. I tried Roselle two years ago , starting seed indoors and transplanting outdoors in May and they were beautiful. They bloomed, but didn’t have a chance by October to develop the calyces before it got chilly. I absolutely love sorelle tea and am going try again, but appreciate any advice you may have to complete my harvest this year.
That’s tough – It may be too short of a season for you to grow it. You could try putting it in a large container and bringing it indoors with a strong light.
@Twanda Brisbon, maybe if you could build a greenhouse? I heard of a man in the rockies who grew a fig tree in a greenhouse.
What would recommend for a square foot gardening space?
I would recommend at least a 4×4 area per plant.
I’m grateful to have found this. I would love to grow my own roselle plants to make Sorrel, which so many think is the same as Hibiscus tea. I’m excited for this resource and to grow closer to my culture.
What are the best soil to use for in ground? A bag that I can buy from lowes? Thanks
For in ground beds adding organic matter like compost is key. I like the bagged Omni compost that is available at Lowe’s.
@Angela Judd, thanks I will check it out.
Is it beneficial to pinch the seedlings?
I haven’t needed to. It seems to branch on its own.
I am growing roselle for the first time and have two small plants right next to each other. I’m not sure how sensitive their roots are and am wondering if I could I have any luck uprooting and moving one of the plants or should I just snip it out?
I would snip it – they can be tricky sometimes, especially when it’s hot out.
When all the blooms have been harvested seeing as though it’s an annual. Should we uproot the existing sorrel plants and replant seeds in the following fall for a new harvest?
In some areas it’s a perennial, I’ve had the most luck replanting each year.
I wish I’d read this last March. I was thinking I could plant now, but no. Definitely on my Spring planting list, I think. Should it be shaded in the really hot Yuma AZ months?
It will tolerate full sun but doesn’t mind having shade during the hottest months.
I’m here in central west Florida and this is my first year of having a thai red rozelle covered with calyces. The plant is about five feet tall and maybe four feet wide. Each of the calyces is about an inch long and maybe 3/4 inch wide and a burgundy red. Some are even about 1/5 inch long and one inch wide. I read that the calyces should be picked before they get brown, but I haven’t seen any white flowers. I read that you don’t pick them until the white flower dies. I would think that they would be blooming by now. I have seen pictures of bowls of calyces that were picked and getting ready to make jam and they looked just like mine, but I haven’t seen blooms. Do I pick them now before they bloom? If I wait much longer they may turn brown. Or must I wait until I see a bloom and the bloom falls off before I pick them? If I do wait until then, then what I pick won’t look like the ones that someone showed in a picture that they picked in order to make jam. I’m confused.
Hi Diana – sounds like they have already bloomed and are ready to pick. The blooms may not have been noticeable.
Where do you purchase the seeds, Angela, please. Thank you.
Oh, please disregard. I found your link to Renee’s Garden. Thank you!
I would Love to grow these! Any advice for growing in NE Ohio?
Start seeds indoors for sure, and choose the warmest/sunniest spot in your yard.
I’m planting my first roselle this afternoon. (Phoenix) If I were to try to keep this as a perennial, how would I overwinter it?
I have yet to have mine overwinter successfully – put it in your warmest location and hope for the best.
@Angela Judd,
My packet says to plant 8-12” apart rather than 4×4 space. It is the zinger Hibiscus. Is that just a different variety?
It could be a smaller type yes. If you have a long growing season I would still give it plenty of room because most varieties grow quite large.
I plant my roselle in a big pot, they are now flowering (3rd of September now). However, I think I underestimated the pot. Can I still transplant the plant to the ground instead at this flowering stage?
I would leave it alone for now. Transplanting it may shock it and you may not get a harvest.
I wish I had come across your post much sooner. When I planted mine, I planted them 6“ apart in a raised bed and never thinned them out. Thankfully I have a 4’x12’ bed!! They have taken over all but 2’ on an end where a couple tomato plants are still fighting for space. One of them are at least 10’ tall (including the 26“ raised bed) and my husband was ready to pull them all out until I found some tiny buds appearing!! Yea!! Such beautiful plants, but I will designate a separate area next year for them. The stem alone is over half the size of my wrist!! I live in zone 8a in NC. Garden space is much too precious these day, not to be able to use it for veggies. 😉
I am currently growing mahogany splendor hibiscus, do most of the attributes apply to it? Are the leaves edible, calyxes ok to make tea or jelly, etc? Any other suggestions would be appreciated
This is a different plant, mahogany splendor hibiscus doesn’t fruit.
Hi Angela! I love your informative blog, YouTube channel, and the calendars! You have opened a window of hope to gardening in the low desert! I am growing and harvesting Roselle Hibiscus right now and unsure of the best way to remove the sepals from the calyxes? I have been drying the whole thing in the sunshine and then trying to remove them and they just fall apart. I noticed in your picture above they were “fresh” on the dehydrator rack… Could you please provide the best way to harvest these to remain whole? Many thanks!
Hi Barbara, I harvest the individual calyces with clippers when the plant is still growing. To separate the “fruit” from the seed pod I cut it off on the bottom. I’ve found this is the easiest way to harvest and process large amounts of calyces. Hope this helps.
My calyces aren’t turning fully red and taste bitter. They do have the dried flower tip so I know they’ve bloomed. Could I have under watered?
Could be a different variety. Allow them to get a little bit larger and see how they taste. Some varieties have a more variegated look and aren’t all red. The flavor may be different as well.
I grew Roselle hibiscus this year for the first time. I grew them in a raised beds. My calyxes are not as deep red as yours and others are. Even your stems are deep red. Some even are white with some red stripes. There are a lot of the flowers and calyxes. I’ve been keeping them picked so they keep producing but I’d like them to be plump and deep red for jam and tea.
There are different varieties of roselle. The striped one is a different type, but similar.