How to Grow Morning Glory Vine
Morning Glory vines are frost-tender, perennial climbing vines and beautiful flowers that quickly overtake a trellis. Bees, butterflies, hummingbirds, and other pollinators are drawn to these striking flowers. Learn how to grow morning glory vine and add it to your garden.
“A morning-glory at my window satisfies me more than the metaphysics of books.”
from Leaves of Grass ~ Walt Whitman, 1819–1892

This is what Morning Glory seeds look like. Click here for seeds.

Morning Glory Vine growing on a trellis.

This is what Morning Glory Vine flowers look like.
How to grow Morning Glory vine

Morning Glory Vine planting information:
NOTE: Check local planting regulations before planting, as many varieties of morning glory are considered invasive in some areas (including Arizona). See the last section of this article for more information.
When to plant: Spring after the danger of frost is passed. Plant seeds directly in the garden once soil temperatures are 65 degrees or above or started indoors 4-6 weeks before the final frost date for your area.
How to plant: Scarify seeds and soak them for 24 hours before planting, direct sow or start indoors and plant young transplants.
Where to plant: Grows in full sun or partial shade. Morning Glory plants prefer full sun, so pick an area with direct sunlight for 6-8 hours. Morning glories thrive in average to poor soil, where they will quickly climb trellises or fences.

Size and spacing details for Morning Glory Vine:
Plant seeds or transplants 8-12 inches apart (20-30 cm).
Grows 15 feet (4.5m) tall and 1-2 feet (60-90cm) wide.

Morning Glory Vine growing tips:
Morning glories begin to flower after the summer solstice when daylight gets shorter and continues through frost. Each flower only lasts a day; it opens in the morning and closes in the evening.
It attracts bees, butterflies, hummingbirds, and other pollinators. Morning glory vine is easy to grow & maintain.
Considered invasive in some areas, grow in a container to keep the plant from spreading to other areas. See the section below about growing morning glory in Arizona.

Is Morning Glory Vine illegal to grow in Arizona?
Effective January 4, 2020, most native morning glories have been removed from the list of noxious weeds and can now be sold in Arizona. However, according to the University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Office,
“Caution should be used when planting morning glories as
they were previously prohibited for a reason; they can get
out of hand quickly and become a nuisance or drastically
impact a backyard garden or agricultural crops. In addition,
morning glories are very difficult to eradicate once an
infestation has been established. However, if you like the
appeal of the delicate and colorful flowers in your garden,
you will now be able to buy them from your seed or plant
Varieties of morning glory that are still classified as either Class A, B, or C Noxious Weeds include:
- Tall morning glory (Ipomea purpurea)
- Grannyvine (Ipomea tricolor)
- Ivyleaf morning glory (Ipomea hederacea)
- Three-lobed morning glory (Ipomea triloba)
- Whitestar morning glory (Ipomea x leucantha)
Are you looking for more information about how to grow vines?

This is just one of 10 vines that grow well from seed. Learn more about my other favorites in this blog post.
This Arizona Vine Planting Guide shares some of my favorite vines that grow well in Arizona and gives growing and planting details for each one.

If this post about how to grow Morning Glory Vine was helpful, please share it:

Thank you for the great and informational read. I love morning glories. Grew them in Las Vegas. I didn’t know a few things stated in your article, so thank you.