10 Beautiful Vines That Grow From Seed
These ten beautiful vines, which grow from seed in this article, are simple to grow, can be grown in a container, and are adaptable to different growing conditions. Plant a few seeds, provide a trellis, and then stand back and watch them grow.
Quick-growing annual vines are a beautiful way to cover a trellis, add vertical interest, and provide seasonal shade. The best part about these vines? For the price of a packet of seeds, you can have vines and flowers that make an impact.
1. Love in a Puff (Cardiospermum halicacabum)
Love in a puff is a simple-to-care-for annual vine with tiny white blossoms and green pods that resemble paper lanterns, also called Balloon Vine or Heartseed Vine.
It’s easy to see how love in a puff gets its name; the puffy lantern encloses dark seeds with a perfect white heart on each one. This delicate vine quickly climbs a trellis as its tendrils reach out.
Blooms last a long time in this easy-growing plant. Each lantern contains seeds that will drop and reseed – deadhead if desired to prevent rampant reseeding. It can be invasive in some climates.

Read this post for more information about how to grow Love in a Puff.
2. Canary Creeper (Tropaeolum peregrinum)
This cousin of nasturtiums loves to climb. Canary creeper vine will quickly and beautifully cover your favorite trellis.
Native to South America, canary creeper flowers resemble the feather wings of a canary. Although it is generally grown as an annual, canary creeper can be a perennial in zones 9 and above. It can grow up to 12 feet in length each year.
The Canary Bird flowers, young leaves, and fruit are edible and, like its cousin the nasturtium, has the same peppery taste.

Read this post for more information about growing Canary Creeper Vine.
3. Purple Hyacinth Bean Vine (Lablab purpureus)
Originally from tropical India and China, these vigorous vines easily cover a fence or trellis, and the blooms are gorgeous in the fall. Grown as a perennial in zones 10-11, the purple hyacinth bean vine loves the heat. In cooler zones, it is grown as an annual from seeds planted in the spring.
While generally low maintenance, purple hyacinth bean vine requires moist, well-draining soil in a sunny location.

For more information about how to grow purple hyacinth bean vine, read this post.
4. Black-eyed Susan Vine (Thunbergia alata)
Black-eyed Susan vine can quickly cover a trellis with its wide, five-petaled blooms from mid-summer through frost. Use black-eyed Susan vine for bright pops of color on a fence, trellis, groundcover or even in a hanging basket. This vine grows well in containers. Provide support if you want the vines to climb.
Fast-growing tender perennial (zone 10-11) grown as a warm-season annual in zones 2-9. Black-eyed Susan vine thrives in bright sunny locations in all but the hottest climates.

Read this post for more information about growing Black-Eyed Susan vine.

Looking for ways to add vertical space to your garden? This post shares 10 of my favorite ideas.

In this blog post, find more ways to add vertical space to your garden.
5. Passion Flower (Passiflora caerulea)
The prolific vines of passion flowers produce elaborate flowers. The vines and flowers of this warm region perennial vine attract pollinators and are a host plant for Gulf Fritillary Butterflies.
Soak seeds for 24 hours and direct sow or start indoors prior to planting in the spring or fall. It must be in the ground for the winter before it blooms. Plant seeds ¼” deep.
Grows best in full sun. Provide trellis and water regularly until established. Blooms from summer to fall. Overly rich soil results in fewer blooms. Pruning promotes flowers.

Read this post for more information about growing passion flower vine.
10 Beautiful Vines To Grow From Seed (continued)
6. Morning Glory Vine

Morning Glory vines are frost-tender, perennial climbing vines and beautiful flowers that quickly overtake a trellis. Bees, butterflies, hummingbirds, and other pollinators are drawn to these striking flowers.
Morning glories begin to flower after the summer solstice when daylight gets shorter and continues through frost. Each flower only lasts a day; it opens in the morning and closes in the evening.
NOTE: Check local planting regulations before planting, as many varieties of morning glory are considered invasive in some areas (including Arizona).

Read this post for more information about growing morning glory vine.
7. Sweet Peas (Lathyrus odoratus)
Old-fashioned flowering vine with varieties reaching 7 feet (2 meters) or more. Bloom on stems in various colors is often grown for the fragrance. Excellent cut flower. Once blooms begin, harvest at least every other day to encourage blooming.

Read this post for more information about how to grow sweet peas.
8. Malabar Spinach (Basella alba)
Malabar spinach is not a true spinach, but instead from the plant family Basellaceae, the Madeira-vine family of flowering plants. In warm areas, vines often reach 10 to 20 feet (3-6 meters) or longer.
Although they can be left to sprawl on the ground, the vines are best grown on a sturdy trellis. The vine is highly ornamental and is a beautiful and tasty addition to a garden arch, trellis or even a ladder.

Read this post for more information about how to grow Malabar spinach.
9. Cardinal Climber Vine (Ipomoea sloteri)
Cardinal climber brings the butterflies and hummingbirds with its tubular red flowers that bloom from spring through frost. The fern-like leaves resemble mini palm leaves as it twists and climbs nearly anything in their path. Learn how to grow Cardinal climber vine and add some to your garden today.
The Cardinal climber vine is a member of the morning glory family, which accounts for its vigorous climbing habits. Provide support for the twining stems and then stand back and watch it grow.
No fertilizer or deadheading is needed. The vine is useful for decorating fences, arbors, or mailboxes.

Read this post for more information about how to grow Cardinal Climber vine.
10. Nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus)
The nasturtiums planted in the cement blocks of my garden border are a familiar and much loved part of my winter garden. There are also trailing varieties that grow well up a trellis.
Nasturtiums prefer cooler weather, so in warm climates grow plants in partial shade (4-6 hours of sun) to prolong their growing season. In cool climates, plant nasturtiums in full sun.If you want an abundance of flowers, do not fertilize nasturtiums.

Read this post for more information about how to grow nasturtiums.
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Thanks Angela! Watched the video and just ordered three of the seed packs from Botanical Interests. Looks like a cool site with lots of articles. I’m hopeful the vines will help protect tomato plants from too much sun.