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How to Grow Purple Hyacinth Bean Vine

Learn how to grow purple hyacinth bean vine and add this vigorous ornamental vine to your garden. Its beautiful purple flowers and striking pods add beauty and interest. 

Originally from tropical India and China, these vigorous vines quickly cover a fence or trellis, and the blooms are gorgeous in the fall. Also called “Jefferson Beans”, purple hyacinth bean vine was first planted at Monticello in 1804. It is still featured in Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello kitchen garden.

5 Tips for How to Grow Purple Hyacinth Bean Vine

How to Grow Purple Hyacinth Bean Vine​

These tips are all you need to learn to grow purple hyacinth bean vine.

1. Plant purple hyacinth bean vine at the right time

How to Grow Purple Hyacinth Bean Vine​

Grown as a perennial in zones 10-11, purple hyacinth bean vine loves the heat. In cooler zones, it is grown as an annual from seeds planted in the spring.

Not an actual bean but a member of the pea family, purple hyacinth bean vine does best seeded directly in the garden if possible.

How to Grow Purple Hyacinth Bean Vine​

Plant when temperatures warm in the spring and nights are above 50℉. Plant hyacinth bean seeds 1 inch deep and 6 inches apart. Soak seeds for 6-8 hours before planting to speed germination.

If the weather gets too cold, the plants will slow or stop growing until temperatures warm. In cooler climates, start seeds indoors (a few weeks before planting), but do not let plants get too large before planting outside.  

How to Grow Purple Hyacinth Bean Vine​

 Plant in the low desert of Arizona from the middle of March through the end of May.

2. Choose a sunny spot for purple hyacinth bean vine

While generally low maintenance, purple hyacinth bean vine requires moist, well-draining soil in a sunny location. The vine is more susceptible to fungal diseases when grown in partial sun, and roots will rot in overly wet soil. 

How to Grow Purple Hyacinth Bean Vine​

Plants grown in full sun have more blooms and more vigorous vines. Otherwise the plants are relatively pest and disease free.

3. Give the vines something to climb

The roots of purple hyacinth bean vine are close to the surface and do not like to be disturbed; put trellises and supports in place at time of planting. Vines can climb up to 16 feet in only a few months. Just a few plants will cover a trellis, fence, or arbor.

How to Grow Purple Hyacinth Bean Vine​

The vines may need some guidance finding the trellis, but once there, they will twine and wrap easily around, up, and maybe back down again.

4. Be patient waiting for blooms to appear

The vigorous vines grow quickly, but flowers often wait until mid-summer to make an appearance. You’ll be rewarded for your patience with profuse bloom sprays on stalks growing out from the vines.

How to Grow Purple Hyacinth Bean Vine​

Flower clusters resemble pea blossoms and are followed by distinctive leathery-looking purple pods.

5. Harvest seeds to share and plant next year (but don’t eat them)

Although purple hyacinth beans are consumed in several parts of the world, preparation is tricky (due to the toxic levels of cyanogenic glucoside).

How to Grow Purple Hyacinth Bean Vine​

Leave the eating to experts, and save seeds at the end of the season to plant next year and share with friends.

How to Grow Purple Hyacinth Bean Vine​

The seeds are ready to harvest when the pod changes from bright purple to silvery purple and the beans are plump and firm.

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23 comments on "How to Grow Purple Hyacinth Bean Vine"

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  1. QUESTION: How should I store my harvested seeds over the winter?

    1. Store in a paper sack or envelope until they are completely dry. After they are dry you can store them in a lidded glass jar.

    1. If you feel like your dogs would eat them, then you may need to choose something else. You could grow other types of vining beans that are edible.

  2. I can do that with some, but a few are older and I don’t think they use the internet.

    Thank-you for your very prompt reply! Just discovered your website and love it.

  3. What does the vine look like during the winter months? Does it remain green or should it be cut to the ground? Also, what is the spread of the vine?

    Growing in the valley is so unique and I’m soooo appreciative for all that you share and love your website and YouTube videos!

    1. Thanks Susan. It is very cold/frost sensitive and will die. I usually replant each year. If we have a mild winter then it may not die. The vine will grow very long (10-20 feet tall) and a few feet wide.

  4. Hi Angela!
    I just found you on YouTube then Pinterest and then your blog so I’m super excited! I’m in Queen Creek and love these purple hyacinth vines. Is there still time to plant them from seed or have I missed the window? I bought several of the hot weather plants today that you’ve recommended so I’m looking forward to pretty flowers and color in my garden! Thank you for all of the great advice.

  5. Comment: A friend shared a single purple hyacinth bean and the result was just amazing. I have saved the pods and hope to plant several in the same spot for better trellis coverage next year.
    Question: Should I be guiding the vines to get better coverage High & Low?
    Question: Could it be that “dear” find the flowers as a desirable food source? One day I had flowers galore and the next it seemed something had eaten every flower it could get to.

    Thank you!

    1. The vines will climb independently but can use help if you want them to climb a particular area. I am not sure if deers avoid them or not. Deers will eat most things if hungry enough.

  6. For the first time in over 10 years, my hyacinth bean plant did NOT BLOOM! It grew and grew nice and tall, but I never had any flowers on it. I had shared the seeds, from my plant the year before, with my daughter…her plant climbed up and around her outside stairs, but also NO BLOOMs. Does anyone have an idea what caused this? Thanks.

  7. My friend says to leave the harvested bean pods unopened until spring. Everything I have read says to remove the seeds from the pods, let them dry and put in paper envelopes over winter. Does it matter?

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