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Gardener’s Supply Cedar Raised Beds

In this post, I review Deep-Root Cedar Raised Beds from Gardener’s Supply Company. These beds are simple to install, well made, and a great family project. Gardener’s Supply cedar raised beds are a welcome addition to my garden area.

Disclaimer: This is my honest review of the products provided to me. See my disclosure policy for more information.

Gardener’s Supply Cedar Raised Beds are simple to install

Putting the Gardener’s raised beds together is pretty straightforward. The cedar wood is pre-cut, and all the pieces fit together nicely. I installed two 2′ x 6′ deep root cedar raised beds. They are 15 inches deep.

Review of Gardener’s Supply Cedar Raised Beds #raisedbedgardening #containergardening #gardeners

I wanted to add a protective coat to the beds, but didn’t want to use harmful chemicals found in normal wood-stain products that could leech into the soil that is growing my family’s food. Gardener’s has a non-toxic stain made from whey (a by-product of making cheese) that protects the beds from moisture, mildew, mold, and UV degradation. Before assembling the beds, I added the stain to the boards and let them dry overnight.

Review of Gardener’s Supply Cedar Raised Beds #raisedbedgardening #containergardening #gardeners

The next morning, we quickly put 2 beds together using the provided screws. Putting both beds together took less than an hour. Be sure and level your ground before installing the beds.

Review of Gardener’s Supply Cedar Raised Beds #raisedbedgardening #containergardening #gardeners

Gardener’s Supply Cedar Raised Beds are well made

The cedar planks and aluminum posts fit together well. The boards were nice and straight, and not warped. The aluminum corners are a functional way to ensure the beds last a long time. If I need to replace the cedar planks in the future, I can reuse the aluminum corners. With previous raised beds I had made, the corners were definitely the weakest part of the beds.

Review of Gardener’s Supply Cedar Raised Beds #raisedbedgardening #containergardening #gardeners

Once I put the beds together, they were sturdy and not wobbly. Ensure the ground is level before you put the beds in place.

Installing Gardener’s Supply Cedar Raised Beds is a great project to do as a family

Review of Gardener’s Supply Cedar Raised Beds #raisedbedgardening #containergardening #gardeners

My favorite part of this project was that my 7-year-old son could be a real help and a part of the project.

The wood stain is made from whey and completely non-toxic. He loved staining the beds with me, and I loved that I didn’t have to worry about the product being harmful to him.

Review of Gardener’s Supply Cedar Raised Beds #raisedbedgardening #containergardening #gardeners

Because all the pieces fit together well, my son loved helping me put it together. We talked about it being like a puzzle. This was a great project to teach him how to use a drill. The screws went in easily, and he could be successful.

Review of Gardener’s Supply Cedar Raised Beds #raisedbedgardening #containergardening #gardeners

He also helped me prepare the soil for planting, and was excited to add plants at the end. That’s always the highlight!

Review of Gardener’s Supply Cedar Raised Beds #raisedbedgardening #containergardening #gardeners

My overall review? This is a well-made product that is simple to install. I’m excited to grow vegetables in the raised beds this fall season and in the future. Thanks, Gardener’s Supply, for a great product. We used these beds when it was time for a garden makeover. Learn about our journey starting a garden in 2009 and the need for new raised beds in this post.

Review of Gardener’s Supply Cedar Raised Beds #raisedbedgardening #containergardening #gardeners

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4 comments on "Gardener’s Supply Cedar Raised Beds"

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  1. I have a quick question! I have been researching these raised beds for some time, and am interested in the 4×8 beds that would be 24 in deep. I only see ones sold in a package that are 15 in deep. Did you do your own custom combination of cedar boards and corners to get to 18-24 in deep beds, or are you using the 15 in deep beds? I also saw that you had some metal strips for reinforcement in the middle of each 8 ft run. Do those come with the beds or are sold by Gardener’s supply? Thank you so much! I am imminently planning a purchase of these garden beds as we commence landscaping installation. I was so thankful to come across your website and Youtube videos on the Gardener’s Supply photos!! I just preordered your book too! Can’t wait to get it! Thank you so much.

    1. Hi Julia – My beds are 15 inches deep. This depth has been great in my garden. The metal strips come with the kit from Gardeners. If you are interested in the beds I know they have been on back order, so I would consider ordering them sooner, rather than later to make sure you are able to get them. Best of luck with your garden. Thanks for your support, hope you like the book!

  2. Given that the cedar beds are not planned for delivery until this summer, does the cypress work in AZ or should we wait for the cedar? Is there any downside to the cypress in AZ? Thanks

    1. Here’s the information I found on cypress: Cypress Pine is an Australian softwood, despite its apparent hardness. Although Cypress Pine has a fine even texture, knots are very common and it tends to be brittle and prone to fine surface checking.Seems like it may be worth waiting for cedar. It’s frustrating that it is so hard to come by right now. I don’t have first hand experience with cypress however.