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Vermicomposting Made Easy: In-Bed Worm Composting

Worm composting directly in the garden bed simplifies the process of vermicomposting. When you use in-bed vermicomposting bins, the worms live, work, reproduce, and make worm castings in the garden bed right where they are needed. 

In-bed vermicomposting solves the problem of what to do with the worms during extremes of hot and cold. For example, vermicomposting in hot weather places (like the low desert of Arizona) is difficult unless you bring the worms inside during the summer months. With in-bed vermicomposting, the worms simply burrow deeper in the beds during the heat of an Arizona summer and then emerge again in the fall. 

Vermicomposting Made Easy In-Bed Worm Composting

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For FAQ and more details about how to implement in-bed vermicomposting, read this blog post.

YouTube video

How does vermicomposting work?

Worm composting – also called vermicomposting (‘vermi’ = worm) – is the process of using worms for composting food scraps into vermicompost. Worms eat up to half their weight daily in kitchen scraps, and worm castings are the byproduct of all that eating. Worm castings = GARDEN GOLD!

During digestion, the worms secrete chemicals that break organic matter into nutrition readily available for plants. Worm castings and the chemicals secreted during digestion make up vermicompost.

What are the benefits of worm composting (vermicomposting)?

  • Vermicompost improves soil texture and structure and aerates the soil
  • Vermicompost increases the water-holding capacity of soil. 
  • The nutrients in vermicompost are immediately available to plants
  • Worm castings contribute to faster plant growth and higher production.
  • Worm castings are dense in microorganisms and nutrients.
  • The chemicals in worm castings help prevent “damping off” and other diseases.

For more information about the amazing things worm castings do for your garden, read “Why Add Worms to Your Garden: The Benefits of Worm Castings.”

Vermicomposting Made Easy: In-Bed Worm Composting
Worm castings from vermicomposting

What is the easiest way to make and maintain a vermicomposting (worm composting) bin?

A vermicomposting bin built into your raised beds, containers, or in-ground garden bed is the easiest way to make a worm composting bin. Gardening with kids? This is a fun project to do with them. Get more tips for gardening with kids in this article.

There is no need to harvest the worm castings or move the worms inside for extremes of hot and cold temperatures. The worms live, work, reproduce, and make worm castings in the garden bed right where they are needed. 

When should I add in-bed vermicomposting bins to my garden beds?

If you live in a hot summer climate, do not add worms during the hottest months of the year. In the low desert of Arizona, the best time to add in-bed vermicomposting bins to your garden is from mid-September through May.

Which type of worms should I use for in-bed vermicomposting?

Red wigglers are composting worms that hang out in the top six inches of your garden. “Earthworms” is a generic term for one of the hundreds of varieties of worms. If you dig them from the garden, they won’t stay in the compost level.

That’s not bad, but they won’t hang out in the habitat we set up. Most bait worms need cooler temperatures than Arizona summers. If you buy nightcrawlers, you will probably lose them in June or July. We want all worms. Red wigglers will stay and live better, but no worm is bad.

Purchasing red wiggler worms locally is the best choice. I get my worms from Arizona Worm Farm here in Phoenix. You can also buy them online.

How many in-bed vermicomposting bins should you have?

I have one worm habitat in each bed. One habitat per bed is enough to get a continuous flow of microbes.

You can add as many bins as you need to process your food scraps and waste, but you don’t need a high density of worms for a successful garden.

Add at least 300 worms for each habitat. 600-800 is better, if possible.

Worms multiply to fit the space and available food. In a big garden, worms will breed faster.

What do worms eat?

Perfect worm food: Watermelon, bananas, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, strawberries, apples, beans, pears, carrots, cherries, grapes, peaches, spinach, cucumbers, cabbage, celery, mangoes, tomatoes, corn, cardboard, shredded paper and egg cartons.

Feed worms in moderation: Bread, potatoes, pasta, rice and other starchy foods

Avoid feeding worms: Citrus, meats, bones, eggs (crushed shells are ok), dairy products, processed foods, salty or greasy food, and pet waste.

For more details and information about feeding worms, read this guide.

How do I make an in-bed vermicomposter (worm composter)?

Supplies needed for in-bed vermicomposting:

Vermicomposting Made Easy: In-Bed Worm Composting
The 24-sheet shredder I use to shred cardboard for my vermicomposting bins
  • Bin (see options below).
  • Shredded cardboard – This shredder from Amazon will shred cardboard boxes (remove tape and labels first).
  • Kitchen scraps – Perfect worm food includes bananas, watermelon, pumpkin, strawberries, apples, and more. I keep them on the counter in this container until I add them to the bins.
  • Worms – Red wigglers are preferred. I get mine from Arizona Worm Farm. Look for a local supplier if possible. If you can’t find one you can get them online here. The earthworms typically found in the garden aren’t suitable for vermicomposting.

Bin options for in-bed vermicomposting:

The bin helps designate a place in your garden for the worms. Choose one slightly smaller than the depth of your garden bed. There are several options:

Vermicomposting Made Easy: In-Bed Worm Composting
  • These plant protectors provide a large, deep area in the bed.
  • They come ready to use and are the right size to use underneath my watering grids.
  • This is my favorite way to create a cavity in my beds for the worms’ habitat.

Vermicomposting Made Easy: In-Bed Worm Composting
  • A wire garbage can with wide openings is the simplest way to add bins to your beds. They are available at Dollar Tree or Amazon.
  • Lifting the bin out of the bed is simple when it’s time to collect the finished worm castings.

Vermicomposting Made Easy: In-Bed Worm Composting
  • Shape hardware cloth into a cylinder slightly shorter than the depth of your garden bed.
  • Wire the ends of the hardware cloth together.

Directions for installing and using an in-bed vermicomposting bin:

Vermicomposting Made Easy: In-Bed Worm Composting

1. Dig a hole in the garden bed the bin size.

Place the bin in the hole

2. Place the bin in the hole.

Fill the habitat with shredded cardboard, and wet it down. Allow cardboard to absorb moisture overnight.

3. Fill the habitat with shredded cardboard (or wood chips) and wet it down. Allow cardboard to absorb moisture overnight.

Add 300-600 red wiggler worms to the worm habitat.

4. Add 300-600 red wiggler worms. Red wigglers are preferred. I get mine from Arizona Worm Farm. Look for a local supplier if possible. If you can’t find one you can get them online here.

Begin feeding worms - see worm feeding details below.

5. Begin feeding wormssee worm feeding details.

Cover the food scraps with a layer of "brown" materials. Examples: wood chips, dried leaves, soil, shredded cardboard

6. Cover the food scraps with a layer of “brown” materials—examples: wood chips, dried leaves, soil, and shredded cardboard.

Cover the worm habitat. I use a tile. They are very inexpensive and the right size for my habitat. You could also use a piece of wood. If you are using a bucket, the bucket lid works well.

7. Cover the worm habitat. Use a thick layer of wood chips. You could also use a piece of wood or a tile.

Check back occasionally and add more food scraps. (Always top with brown). Remove any large pieces of uneaten food.

8. Check back occasionally and add more food scraps. (Always top with browns). Remove any large pieces of uneaten food.

When food scraps are gone and the bucket is empty, you can harvest the castings. (The worms will leave the bucket and be in the bed). Spread the castings around the garden bed. You can also leave the castings in place.

9. When food scraps are gone, and the bucket is empty, you can harvest the castings. (The worms will leave the bucket and migrate to other areas of the bed). Spread the castings around the garden bed. You can also leave the castings in place.

Begin the process over again, starting with fresh shredded cardboard, food scraps, and brown. No need to add additional worms.

10. Begin the process over again, starting with fresh shredded cardboard (or wood chips), food scraps, and browns—no need to add additional worms.

If this post about in-bed vermicomposting was helpful, please share it.

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104 comments on "Vermicomposting Made Easy: In-Bed Worm Composting"

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  1. Do you do anything with what’s inside or do you just keep repeating the process? Like do you take the compost out to use? What about the worms? Thanks

    1. I keep repeating the process and adding green/brown material. The worms will carry the castings out into the bed. Once the bin finishes I often spread the castings around the bed and begin the process over, adding shredded cardboard, food scraps, etc. You don’t need to add more worms, they will come back to the bins when there are scraps for them.

    2. @Angela Judd, what do you mean by once the bin finishes? I keep adding food and dried leaves to my bucket and I always see the worms when I check to see if they’ve eaten the food. Could there be something wrong? In previous comments you indicated the worms may be trying to get out of the bucket if they are near the top. My worms are under the dried leaves I place on top of the scraps. Your help is appreciated. Thanks!

      1. If you stop adding food the worms will eventually leave the bin, and then there will only be castings in the bin.

  2. Red wigglers can live up to 4 or 5 years. The worms should survive and keep reproducing themselves indefinitely if conditions are right.

  3. I don’t even use the buckets anymore. I pick an area of garden and dig some of soil out, throw in a little cardboard and food and have a small piece of plywood to cover area. Lift the board to feed, stays cooler than plastic. They just go to town and then I can easily move feeding area to different parts of garden months later. No more messy buckets to deal with. Worms go where ever they want in garden as well….everywhere I dig I have tons.

  4. Super! I’m excited. I use the square foot garden method Angela uses. Been composting in bins during the winter, but I’m going to try Joyce’s method now that its gardening time. Think I’ll try using 5 gallon bucket lids to cover the holes. Thanks to both of you!

    1. Perfect! Good luck. I’m really enjoying having a simple way to compost directly in the beds. I think you will like it as well.

    1. A friend gave me mine, but shredded paper or dried leaves would also work if you can’t find the cardboard.

  5. I love your website Angela. The videos are teaching me a lot and I enjoy seeing your beautiful garden.

  6. I was wondering about the heat in AZ. I put in a Garden tower test area and have watched the temp. The results are 90* plus. I would be worried that is too hot. I have a worm tower and have to put in an ice bottle daily. during the hottest days

    1. I’ve noticed the worms burrow to the bottom and middle of the beds during the hottest days. I dig down deep to put the food for the worms in and then bury it with more dirt.

    1. I added fertilizer to the beds after having the soil tested about a month after I planted them. Since that time I haven’t added additional fertilizer. I will probably add some organic fertilizer to some beds before fall planting depending on what I am planting. I don’t think this takes the place of all fertilizer, but it definitely improves the soil and adds nutrients. I may shift the buckets around to different places in the beds when I replant for fall as well.

  7. Where did you get a big bag of worms? AZ worm farm is closed til mid-August so other than buying bait worms from a sporting goods store, I’m unsure where else to get them. Ideas?

    1. I got my worms at Arizona Worm Farm. My vote would be to wait until they are available there if you live here in the valley. It’s pretty hot to get them started right now and mid-August would be a great time to add them to your beds.

  8. Hi Angela! I know that you have bins that you compost in outside of the vermicomposting. Do you think your vermicomposting will take the place of your compost bins in general? I feel like the in bed set up will be so much more straightforward for me than piles/bins of compost. I wonder though if there are benefits of both?
    Thank you so much!

    1. Great question. It depends on how much you have to compost. The worm bins are my favorite way to compost kitchen scraps. It’s perfect because there is usually a (relatively) small amount that’s easy to add to a bucket or two. For garden/yard waste (which we have a lot of) the larger composting bins are a much better option. If you are just looking to compost kitchen scraps and a little yard waste you the worm bins would be enough. If you have a lot of yard waste it’s good to have both.

  9. Do the worms eat root vegetables within the garden bed? Just curious about this whole process. I would like to build garden beds to start this fall.

  10. I love the simplicity of having the worms right in the bed! I’m new to composting. What’s your process for incorporating the castings into the soil? Would it make sense to perhaps dig a new location for the worms periodically and move them so that once the bucket is removed and worms are out of the way, you can spread out the castings and work them into the soil?
    Love the video! Glad not all the worms escaped! Haha!

    1. A couple of ways: The worms carry the castings through the soil, and when a bin is finished I often spread the contents around the bed. I also move the buckets to different spots in the garden from time to time.

        1. Often a bin will be completely composted and all that will remain will be the castings. At that point I spread the castings around the bed and either move the bucket to a new location or start the process over again. I add shredded cardboard back into the bins and then food scraps, topped with more brown material. The worms will return to the bins and begin composting again.

  11. If my raised bed is only 6-7 inches deep,do I just cut the bucket to fit that height? And since it will be shorter than yours, do I add half the amount of worms, or the same for my 4×4 grid? This is awesome. Thanks so much for sharing!

    1. You could have the bucket sticking up a little bit in the bed (or you could cut it) My bucket doesn’t go all the way down to the ground. I added 2 bags of worms and 2 bins for a 4X8 bed, so one bin with worms is probably enough for a 4×4 bed.

  12. where you write “dried-out sponge,” did you mean “wrung-out sponge”? because a dried-out sponge would be completely bone dry and one wouldn’t think of adding water to bring it to that consistency. 😉

  13. Great idea angela. I have done the same thing only didnt cut out the bottom (oops). But mine was for regular earth worms. Now Im thiking I will do this for both kinds of worms,as I already have a vermicomposting bin that is chock full of worms.

    1. @Angela Judd, What is the benefit of cutting out the bottom vs. only drilling holes on the sides? Also, do you drill any holes in the bucket at the top above the ground or are the worms perfectly fine without that air coming in? Thank you.

      1. If you cut the bottom off, the worms are free to burrow down further, and there is less heat trapped in the buckets as well. I recommend cutting the bottoms off if possible. I try (not always successfully) to bury the bucket below ground so you don’t necessarily need additional holes above ground. They don’t need the airflow.

  14. I am just getting started on my in bed vermicomposter. But INITIALLY what order do you add kitchen scraps? Is it: cardboard, worms, scraps? Or cardboard, scraps, worms? I know subsequent scraps will go on top, just wondering about the initial build. Thank you!

    1. Hi Ester, I also add garden waste (cut it up so it composts quicker) coffee grounds (you can get them at Starbucks) and any kitchen scraps I don’t put in the vermicomposting bins. Hope that helps.

  15. I would love to do this in my new raised beds! I’m just getting started with worm composting and I love the idea of having them right in the garden. I’m concerned about winter. I know you’re in Arizona but I am in western Colorado. It does get cold in the winter. Will the worms survive? If not, how would I bring them in for the cold?

    1. From what I’m hearing from people in cold climates, it’s helpful to mulch the beds with several inches of leaves during the winter. The worms burrow down and then emerge the following spring. Another option would be to collect what worms you can from the buckets before temperatures cool in the fall and bring them indoors in regular vermicomposting bins.

  16. Hi Angela
    I am new gardener and i learn so much from your videos. I have followed step by step instructions of your video to put the worm bins and worms in the garden bed. Got the growing in the garden soil from AZ worm farm (keeping my fingers crossed for this summer). My question is…it’s been over a month, do i keep adding the kitchen waste in the bins? Do i need to separate the compost from worms and spread in the bed? If yes can you please make a video on how to do that? I keep seeing small bugs whenever i open the bin…is that normal? What should be done then? Should I keep adding kitchen scraps and not worry about the bugs and/or separating the compost from the bins? Do i need to add water separately in those bins or does watering the bed is sufficient? Sorry for too many questions!! Just so new at this…i do not have a microclimate as yours.. everything is new and rcvs full sun ALL day. Last year wasn’t was my first time gardening and was not very successful, hoping this year to be better. If possible can you please make a follow-up video on what to do next?

    1. I did a follow up video and here is the link: https://youtu.be/991qDFd-uaI Hopefully that helps with some of your questions. I don’t add extra water to the bins, they get watered when I water the beds. During the summer your worms will be less active and burrow down in the bins. Best of luck to you.

      1. Thank you for sharing! I do see that my first batch of vermicompost is ready, but am not able to separate worms from the compost…any tips on that or just wait for higher temps and once they burrow down, i should then scoop out the compost?

        1. You can spread the castings around (worms and all) the worms will burrow back down into the soil. Start the bin over with shredded cardboard and food scraps and the worms will find their way back to the bin.

  17. Thank you for all the information. Like the plan for raised bed gardening.
    What keeps the worms from eating the plants that you are trying to grow?

  18. We are building beds that are 12 inches deep in St George, Utah, and we get temperatures as hot as 115*. I’m wondering if we should use weed barrier as well as cardboard under the soil in the garden boxes? Does weed barrier prevent the worms from going deeper? Is 12 inches deep enough for worms to escape the heat? Many thanks.

    1. It depends on what is on the soil now – if it is dirt or soil, I wouldn’t use any weed barrier (cardboard is fine). If you are trying to smother Bermuda grass I would use weed barrier as well. The worms will find the cool spots in the beds to over summer.

  19. I live in central indiana, and am wondering what adjustments I need to make for the cooler, moister climate.

  20. Quick question –

    When you say not to give the worms fermented food, do you mean things like sauerkraut – or produce that has started to go bad?

    Thank you so much for your gardening site! I am learning so much!

    1. Worms love produce that is going bad. Avoid things like alcohol that ferments. However, worms are smart if they don’t like something will stay away until it is good.

  21. Hi Angela,
    I love this method and am anxious to try it. However, I garden in several of the 2 x 8 elevated beds from Gardener’s Supply, so my beds are up on legs, not sitting on the ground. At only 15 inches deep and with a wooden bottom, I wonder if there is enough depth for the worms to burrow down and keep cool enough to survive our summer heat?
    I considered using smaller 1 gallon buckets instead, but would like your opinion first. Any insight you could give me would be most appreciated.
    I have been watching your videos (I love, LOVE learning from and expert in our particular, unique gardening climate!) and am excited to start a fresh, fall garden using what you’ve taught me. Thanks so much!

    1. I double checked with Zach at Arizona Worm Farm and he and I both agree it would be better not to use the worms in the elevated raised beds – it would get too hot unless they are in the shade most of the time.

  22. Hi!

    Have you ever had problems with rodents or insects trying to get into the buckets?

    Do you think this could work if you do not cut the bottom of the buckets and drill holes instead?

    Thank you!

    1. Yes, I’ve had insect problems (you can see common ones in the other comments or FAQ) Rats haven’t bothered the buckets. The buckets are buried in the beds and have a lid. I have heard of people not removing the bottom, It works, but I don’t think it would be as effective.

  23. I set up my worm buckets into new raised beds this past Fall. One has become infested with fire ants. Saw your response to a question about ants. Is it safe to put ant bait into the worm bucket? Will the ants prefer the bait to the food scraps?

    1. Hi Nancy – I double checked with Zach at the Arizona Worm Farm and it is safe. He recommends putting also putting one or two outside at the base of the bed and also increasing the moisture of the bed. Ants prefer it to be more dry. Hope that helps!

  24. My bed is raised completely off the ground, due to the previous owner PLANTING Bermuda grass (sigh). I’ve been reading that these sorts of beds are not a good home for worms since they may get too hot or drown. We are in Arkansas, so it doesn’t typically get above 100, the bed has good drainage, and has a soil depth of about 10″. Do you think worms would be OK to add or no? Thanks!

    1. Hi I double checked with Zach at Arizona Worm Farm on this, here is his answer, “We never worry about drowning worms. They will find dry places to hang out. If she can grow vegetables, the worms will be fine. Fully raised beds (off the ground) do tend to get hot. She should shade it in the summer, but they will probably be fine. The worst thing that might happen is they die over the summer and she has to add more in September when they start getting cooler nights.” Hope that helps.

  25. Do the lids need to be on tight or open a bit for air circulation when you put pail bins in the garden and should you water the area around the bucket to keep the soil moist around it for the worms to go through?

    1. The lids can be on tight, but don’t have to be. Yes, watering the soil around the buckets is a good idea.

  26. I live in Montreal, with cold winters. I vermicompost indoors. Would in-bed worm composting in my 22” deep raised garden boxes work, or would the worms freeze? What about in in-ground areas of my garden?

    1. Check with local growers to be sure. I’ve had others in cold climates tell me they mulch their beds very well with straw and the worms survive.

  27. I have garden/flower bed with 15 2 gal bins. Should I add food to to all of them or just a few at a time? The bins are 4′ away from each other side by side and about 6′ away up and down.
    Thanks for your knowledge!

    1. You can add food to all of them. Each bin is its own system. Wait to add more until the worms have eaten what is there.

  28. @Angela Judd, What is the benefit of cutting out the bottom vs. only drilling holes on the sides? Also, do you drill any holes in the bucket at the top above the ground or are the worms perfectly fine without that air coming in? Thank you.

    1. If you cut the bottom off the worms are free to burrow down further and there is less heat trapped in the buckets as well. I recommend cutting the bottoms off if possible. I try (not always successfully) to bury the bucket below ground so you don’t necessarily need additional holes above ground. They don’t need the airflow.

  29. Will worms survive a CT winter? If so, can you/should you feed them through the winter and how much? Also, how do you till the soil in the spring without hurting them? My raised beds are about the same size as yours – 4’x8′ and about 15″ deep. Thank you!

    1. I’m not sure if the worms would survive – You wouldn’t need to feed them through winter. You would want to put a thick layer of mulch/straw on the beds. I wouldn’t recommend tilling in the spring – add compost on top instead.

  30. My worm bins in the raised beds have a mass of tiny roots growing into them from the bottom as if the surrounding vegetables are reaching into the worm compost for sustenance. Is this common?

  31. Do the worms reproduce enough to at some point (?) share with new bins or does a new bin need a newly purchased batch of worms? Thanks!

  32. This is my first year of gardening. I am gardening outdoors in raised beds and in a greenhouse with grow bags. In the outdoor raised beds, I created a vericompost in each bed. Here is the problem. We have an infestation of earwigs this year because our winter didn’t cold enough, long enough to kill last years. They are destroying my garden. I find a LOT of them in my vermicompost buckets… due to the infestation to the beds, should I remove the vermicompost from the beds, as lease for the rest of the season? Help 🙂

    1. I asked Zach at the worm farm for his opinion and this is what he said, “I would not take them out. This is not a problem I have had myself, but Diatomaceous Earth will kill the earwigs naturally. Just sprinkle it on top. Remember, it needs to stay dry to work – so she will need to reapply a couple of times.”

  33. I want to grow garlic in one of my raised beds but am concerned that the worms will eat the bulbs. Will they?

  34. I have limited gardening space. Can skip the “bin” and just put my worms in my planters and bury their food in the middle of all the plants? I’ve had a successful storage tote worm bin for several years now, but it won’t fit in my planters, and I just want to go straight to in-garden vermicomposting without having to buy a new bin system. Thanks!

  35. Angela, is there a recommended vermicomposting per square foot? I have long garden beds so I’m thinking I need a couple in each, at each end. Thank you!

    1. Great question. I asked Zach at Arizona Worm Farm, and he made several good points. “One bin is enough, no matter how big the bed. The goal for the backyard gardener is to get a continuous flow of microbes. One habitat is plenty to make that happen. If their goals include composting their waste and they need more space for their family, they can add as many as they need to process the waste. But they don’t need high density of worms for a successful garden. Worms multiply to fit the space and available food. In a big garden, they just breed faster. Adding more worms initially just means they will slow their breeding sooner. Waste of worms and money.”

    1. Most of my beds are 4×8. I habitat in most any size bed is enough to introduce the good microbiology from the worms. If you have more scraps than that you can add more bins.

  36. Will “beneficial” nematodes kill the worms? I’ve Heard of only using nematodes to water seed starts then they are “inoculated” Others treat the bed. Either way will they kill the worms in the vermicomposting? Love your site.

  37. We have bunnies. They eat dried pellets, spring mix, spinach and hay. In their litter bins we use shredded paper along with hay. Can I include the paper and their droppings in the vermicompost holes as part of the brown material?

  38. I have a Lomi composter and I put the compost in my garden beds. Would you recommend I also get red wriggler worms to put in the garden beds too?

    1. Although the Lomi does break down the waste, unfortunately there are no microbes – it’s dry, mostly dead soil. It will add organic matter, but no microbes to your soil. If you have garden beds putting your food scraps in the beds with red wigglers would add beneficial microbes and improve your soil fertility.