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How to Grow Artichokes

Are you thinking about adding more perennials to your garden? If you live in a warm climate (zones 8-11), learn how to grow artichokes, and they’ll return year after year.

At first glance, an artichoke seems like an intimidating vegetable to grow and eat, but once you peel away the bracts and reveal the heart, it is delicious and simple to grow.

The artichoke that we love to eat is actually the edible flower bud of a native Mediterranean thistle-like plant. They are easy to grow if you have room, and in cooler zones, they can be grown as an annual.

How to Grow Artichokes

Helpful vocabulary for artichokes

How to Grow Artichokes

Botanical name: Cynara scolymus
Common names: Artichoke, Globe Artichoke, French Artichoke, Green Artichoke

  • Bud or Head: Contains the heart, and is topped by fuzzy flowers.
  • Choke: Center of the head containing fuzzy flowers, edible when young.
  • Bract: Green scales protect the tender inner part of the artichoke bud that we call the heart. Sometimes mistakenly called leaves.
  • Heart: Tender, inner edible flesh at the base of artichoke bud.
  • Stalk: Stem, edible when harvested young; leave 2-3 inches of stem intact when harvesting.
How to Grow Artichokes

Learn how to grow artichokes with these 5 tips:

How to Grow Artichokes

1. How to grow artichokes: Understand how artichokes grow

How to Grow Artichokes
  • When artichokes are grown as a perennial, the plants will produce leaves in the first year and may form a few bulbs.
  • Buds are edible when harvested young, before opening and developing into flowers.
  • At the end of flowering, plants should be cut down to the ground and mulched heavily with compost.
  • In subsequent years, bulb production will increase and bud production will continue for the next 4-5 years.
  • Plants will also produce side shoots which can be allowed to develop and then removed when less than 10 inches tall and replanted to start additional plants or shared with friends.
Are you thinking about adding more perennials to your garden? If you live in a warm climate (zones 8-11) learn how to grow artichokes, add them to your garden and they'll return year after year.

2. How to grow artichokes: Plant the correct variety at the right time

How to Grow Artichokes

Green Globe and Purple Italian Globe are varieties that grow well in warm climates like Arizona.

Planting dates for the low desert of Arizona

Start seeds indoors: October 15 – January 15

Plant seeds outside: November – Dec. 15th

Plant transplants outside:  January 15 – March

The plants’ growth will take off in the spring, and should begin producing bulbs in April or May each year.

How to Grow Artichokes

In cooler climates, Imperial Star Artichokes are bred to produce in a single season as an annual. Use transplants from the local nursery or start seeds indoors in late winter or early spring, and set out once the danger of hard frost has passed. Harvest will occur in the fall.

How to Grow Artichokes

3. How to grow artichokes: Give artichokes room to grow

Plant artichoke starts 4 feet apart to allow plenty of room for mature plants which can be up to 4 feet wide and 3 to 4 feet tall. Artichokes grown as annuals can be spaced closer together, up to 3 feet.

In Arizona, artichokes prefer a little afternoon shade. Artichoke plants typically live for 4-5 years, so choose the location well. Soil should drain well; waterlogged soil will cause root rot.

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4. How to grow artichokes: Give artichokes plenty of food and water

Water artichokes evenly throughout the growing season, and do not let them dry out during the rest of the year.

As buds develop, provide plenty of water for large, dense bulbs. Artichokes are large plants with deep roots and are heavy feeders.

Amend soil well with compost, and feed hungry plants at least once a month with fish emulsion or another organic fertilizer during the growing season.

5. How to grow artichokes: Harvest artichokes correctly and at the right time

When is the perfect time to harvest artichokes? When the bottom bud scales begin to separate from the base of the bulb, it is time to harvest!

Buds should be harvested while tight and firm, and around 3 inches in diameter. To harvest, cut the stem 2-3 inches below the bud with a sharp knife. Store harvested buds in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.

How to trim an artichoke infographic
How to cook an artichoke infographic

If buds begin to open, they become tough and inedible, and it’s too late to harvest them. The unharvested buds mature into brilliantly colored flowers.

The beautiful blooms attract pollinators; enjoy the beauty they add to the garden. Harvest the seeds from dried blooms if desired.

YouTube video

If growing as a perennial, after blooms are spent or all buds are harvested, cut plants back to the ground and cover with at least 2 inches of organic mulch. A vining plant such as sweet potatoesmalabar spinach, or Armenian cucumbers grown over the crowns in the summer can cool the roots and help them survive the hot summers of Arizona.

Artichoke Seeds
Artichoke heads after blooming

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9 comments on "How to Grow Artichokes"

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  1. I planted my Green Globe artichoke in November 2021, then it grew throughout May, though bulbs didn’t form this year. I cut it down in May, covered it with mulch, and have been watering it via olla since. Should I expect it to pop back up in November again?

  2. This is the second year that my artichokes have come back. Each of the original four plants have multiplied to 4-6 new plants. They are about a foot tall now. Do I need to separate them for best growth? I am concerned that I will kill the plant if I separate them incorrectly, Help !

    1. It’s a good idea to thin plants down to one plant. If you can dig down and keep the plant intact with some roots attached, you may be able to transplant them.

  3. How would I uproot the two plants I don’t want anymore? It looks formidable. I’m happy with my 3 gorgeous artichoke plants. I just can’t afford the space.

  4. I am planning to start a bed to grow artichokes. Can I use a garden in minutes watering grid in that bed or will the artichokes get too large?

    1. They can work, but the artichokes get very large and will take over a lot of the bed (depending on the size). Artichokes grow very well in the ground as well, if you have a spot.

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