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How to Grow Basil: A Complete Guide to Growing and Harvesting

There’s nothing better than the aroma of freshly picked basil! This versatile herb is a must-have in my garden and kitchen throughout the summer months. Not only does basil’s sweet fragrance and vibrant flowers attract native bees, but it also provides endless culinary possibilities. This article covers everything you need to know about how to grow basil, including how to grow basil from seed, tips for pruning, and how to harvest basil. Learn the best methods for basil plant harvesting and how to harvest basil so it keeps growing for a continuous supply. I’ve also included advice for growing basil in containers, growing basil indoors, and how to grow basil in Arizona.

Article Index:

  1. When is the best time to plant basil?
  2. How to care for basil plants
  3. How to prune basil for larger yields
  4. Plant extra basil for the pollinators and allow it to flower
  5. Best companion plants for basil
  6. How to harvest basil
  7. How to use and preserve basil
  8. How to grow basil in Arizona
  9. How to grow basil in containers
  10. How to grow basil indoors
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10 Tips For How to Grow Basil

When is the best time to plant basil?

One of the most popular herbs to grow, basil (Ocimum basilicum) is a warm-weather fragrant herb in the mint family whose flowers attract native bees. Learn how to grow mint in this guide. It is also a favorite culinary herb, treasured for its color and flavor. In all but the warmest regions (zone 10 and higher), basil is grown as an annual and will grow until the first frost.

Basil grows best in warm (even hot) conditions. The best time to plant basil is when nighttime temperatures are above 70℉. Don’t rush putting transplants outside; basil prefers warm air and soil.

  • Start seeds indoors 2-4 weeks before planting basil outside.
  • Plant seeds outside about ¼ inch deep and 10-12 inches apart when nighttime temperatures are above 70℉.
  • Plant transplants at the depth of the container about 12-18 inches apart, depending on the variety of basil.
  • Plant basil in an area that gets full sun.

How to care for basil plants

basil plants

Basil likes well-draining soil. It’s important to water basil regularly so it doesn’t dry out and become bitter. Mulching plants also helps to preserve moisture. During hot weather and dry periods, water basil deeply and regularly.

Basil likes high levels of nitrogen. Plant basil in soil rich in organic matter that has been amended with compost. Amend as needed with additional compost or organic fertilizer.

How to prune basil for larger yields

The secret to large basil harvests begins when the plants are young. Early pruning encourages a large bushy plant with abundant basil harvests. Here’s how to do it:

  • When basil is about 6” tall, cut the middle stem down to just above the second set of leaves. 2 new stems will grow back in the middle stem’s place. Cutting back at this early stage of development encourages the plant to branch and produce additional leaves.  
  • As the plant grows, continue cutting each branch back to the second set of leaves and removing the center shoot of basil to discourage blooming.
  • To encourage continued growth, cut back flowers as they appear.

Plant extra basil for the pollinators and allow it to flower

flowering basil

Planting extra basil for pollinators is a great way to attract and support beneficial insects, add beauty, and help support your garden’s ecosystem. Some pollinators attracted to basil include bees, hoverflies, butterflies, and hummingbirds.

Follow the directions for pruning basil for larger yields (see above tip) so the plant is large and full. Once the basil plant has reached a good size, allow the plant to continue growing without harvesting any leaves or pruning the plant. Eventually, the plant will produce small, white, or pink flowers on long, thin stems. These flowers attract pollinators to your garden, which can help improve the yield of other plants that require pollination.

Try planting different types of basil, such as lemon basil or cinnamon basil, to attract a wider variety of pollinators. Learn about other plants that attract beneficial insects in this guide.

Best companion plants for basil

Tomatoes are excellent companion plants for basil; introduce them to each other while growing and in the kitchen.

Basil and tomatoes are commonly grown together as companion plants because they have a mutually-beneficial relationship. Basil repels insects that are harmful to tomato plants, such as tomato hornworms and whiteflies. The strong scent of basil may mask the scent of the tomato plant, making it harder for pests to find them. In addition, basil attracts beneficial insects like bees and butterflies that help pollinate tomato flowers.

On the other hand, tomatoes release chemicals into the soil that can help improve the growth and flavor of basil. This is because tomatoes are heavy feeders, meaning they take up a lot of nutrients from the soil, and, in turn, they can leave behind nutrients that other plants can use. Basil is also thought to enhance the flavor of tomatoes when they are grown together. Learn more about companion planting in this guide.

Overall, growing basil and tomatoes together is a great way to protect your tomato plants from pests and promote healthy growth and flavor. Get the recipe for Garden Fresh Tomato and Basil Pasta here.

How to harvest basil

harvested basil in a basket

Harvest basil plants regularly, removing only one-third of the basil plant at a time (even if you are not using it) to encourage branching and production. Harvesting basil so it keeps on growing is simple, here’s how:

How to harvest basil so it keeps on growing

  • Wait for the right time: Begin harvesting basil when plants are 6-8″ tall.
  • Choose the right time of day: Harvest basil in the morning, after the dew has dried, and before the sun gets too hot. This is when the essential oils in the leaves are most concentrated, making the basil more flavorful.
  • Use clean, sharp scissors or pruning shears: This will help prevent damage to the plant and reduce the risk of disease.
  • Cut the stems just above a set of leaves: This will encourage the plant to grow new branches and leaves, leading to a fuller, bushier plant. Leave at least 2 sets of leaves on each stem so the plant can continue to photosynthesize and produce energy.

If you harvest basil correctly, you can continue to enjoy fresh basil from the same plant all season.

harvesting basil

How to use and preserve basil

harvested basil in a jar of water
  • If you won’t be using basil immediately after harvesting, put the stems in a jar of cool water to keep them hydrated.
  • To freeze basil, I wash freshly harvested basil in a large bowl, rinse it, and let it air dry on a dish towel. I then freeze individual leaves together in a freezer bag, pulling out individual leaves as needed. You can learn more about freezing basil here.
  • These herb scissors are my favorite way to cut up fresh basil. So easy!  
  • Use a large harvest of basil to make pesto.
  • Add basil at the end of cooking time to help retain fresh color and flavor.
  • Purée washed basil in the blender and add just enough olive oil or water to make it pourable. Then pour into ice cube trays and freeze. It’s convenient to pop one or two cubes into soups and pasta.
  • Dehydrate basil to preserve the harvest.
  • Freeze-drying basil preserves much of the flavor and texture of fresh basil. It’s my favorite way to preserve basil.
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How to grow basil in Arizona

  • Start seeds indoors: JanuaryJuly
  • Plant seeds outside: February 15 – August
  • Plant transplants outside: March – Augus

Basil is one of a handful of plants that grow well and thrive in the hot summers of Arizona. Learn about more crops that love hot summers in this guide. It can take full sun but does best with some afternoon shade. Mulching plants helps retain moisture and keeps weeds down.

Smaller-leaved varieties grow best in the low desert of Arizona. Be sure to provide afternoon shade for larger-leaved varieties such as Genovese. Mrs. Burns lemon basilSiam Queen, and African Blue thrive in Arizona’s heat.

flowering basil (2)

How to overwinter basil in mild winter climates

When growing basil in Arizona, the warm and dry climate can actually help the plant survive the winter. Cover plants during frost events. Learn the best way to cover plants during a freeze in this guide.

Once the danger of frost has passed in the spring, you can cut the basil plants back to encourage new growth. Wait to cut back the basil plants until new growth starts appearing. This will help stimulate the plant to produce new leaves and branches.

To cut back your basil plants, trim them down to about 6-8 inches above the soil line. Make sure to use sharp and clean pruning shears to prevent any damage to the plant. After cutting back your basil plants, you can also fertilize them with an organic fertilizer to help promote healthy growth.

However, after a season or two, basil plants can become woody and less productive. At this point, it is best to replant and start with a new plant. You can either start new plants from seed or purchase young basil plants from a nursery.

How to grow basil in containers


Basil is an excellent choice for growing in containers. Here are a few things to keep in mind when growing basil in containers:

  • Basil needs well-draining soil. Always use good potting soil in the containers, not garden soil.
  • Don’t overcrowd plants. Adequate airflow around basil plants is important to prevent fungus. Allow 6-8” between plants; 12” is even better.
  • Don’t let containers dry out. Regular watering is key for the best-tasting basil. To see if the container needs water, use a moisture meter or stick a finger in the soil. If the top inch or two of the soil is dry, water the container. I add ollas to my containers to help with watering.
  • Feed basil in containers regularly. Nutrients are leeched out of the drain hole in containers, and basil grown in containers will benefit from monthly or bi-weekly feedings from compost or organic fertilizer.

How to grow basil indoors

To grow basil indoors, provide the light and warmth it would receive if growing outside. A sunny south-facing window may be all you need, but in most cases, additional light and warmth will be required to grow basil indoors successfully.

  • Avoid drafty locations – 80℉ is the minimum temperature basil needs to thrive.
  • If you are growing basil near a window, rotate the plant each time you water it to keep the growth even on all sides.
How to grow basil - tips for growing basil
  • When using a grow light, set a timer to run the light for 12 hours with the lights about 2-4″ away from the plant.
  • If seedlings are leggy, they need more light (change location or put grow lights closer to leaves). Bleached-out spots on the leaves indicate the lights are too close to the seedlings.
  • Thin basil to at least 6” apart to provide adequate airflow and discourage fungus.
  • Begin harvesting leaves as soon as the plant is over 4” tall.

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4 comments on "How to Grow Basil: A Complete Guide to Growing and Harvesting"

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  1. Do you ever overwinter your basil? I have around 8 Thai basil plants and they’ve flowered, but they’re still bushy and green and I’m still harvesting. I’m thinking about cutting them back and keeping them in instead of pulling them out of the bed. What do you think?

    1. Yes, it’s possible to overwinter basil. Cover it if we get a freeze, and wait to trim it until after the danger of frost is passed in the spring.

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