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Arizona Garden in April

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April Garden Checklist

April’s sunny, warm days and cool nights are perfect for the garden and the gardener. However, this is not the time to procrastinate – warmer temperatures are coming, and preparing the low desert Arizona garden in April for the hot summer ahead is important. What you do in your Arizona garden in April will affect how your garden, herbs, and flowers withstand the heat of the upcoming summer. 

We garden year-round in Arizona, but we can’t grow everything all year. Take a look at what’s growing in my Mesa, Arizona garden this month, and see my list of which garden tasks to do and a list of the vegetables, herbs, and flowers to plant in your Arizona garden in April. Low desert includes elevations below 3500 ft in the Southwest, such as the Phoenix and Tucson metro areas.

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Arizona Garden in April

Vegetables growing in the low desert Arizona garden in April

Winter squash that was planted in March is beginning to grow and bloom. Plant summer squash through the middle of April. Read this article for more information about how to grow winter squash

April is a great month for harvesting carrots planted in the fall. Leave carrots in the ground until ready to eat, but harvest carrots before the heat of the summer if you live in hot places like Arizona (the heat can turn them bitter). A tip to remember: the shorter-variety carrots are best eaten fresh, while longer carrots are better suited to storage.

It’s time to harvest the celery from your garden. Celery doesn’t like hot temperatures, and the flavor will be affected – it will become bitter. The celery will also bolt – meaning the plant focuses on producing seeds. You will see a central stalk become taller and literally “bolt.” If it remains in the ground, it will flower and produce seeds. 

Bean seeds do best when sown directly into the soil. Plant them 1 inch deep and space them 2 inches apart. Beans should sprout in 5 to 10 days. Like many other garden plants, beans need plenty of sun to grow properly. Keep the soil moist and well-drained for happy beans.

Flowers growing in the low desert Arizona garden in April

Arizona Garden in April

Nasturtiums put on their big show this month. The beautiful, edible blooms are everywhere! Be sure to save seeds to share with friends and family. Nasturtiums reseed easily; once you plant them, they often return year after year.

Poppies sown in the fall are beautiful during the month of April. Be sure to save seeds from your favorite blooms. Learn more about how to grow poppies in this post.

Arizona Garden in April

Perpetual Annual Flower Calendar

The Perpetual Annual Flower Planting Calendar, available in my shop, helps you learn when to plant flowers in the low desert of Arizona and whether to plant seeds or transplants.

Fruit trees in the low desert Arizona garden in April

Harvest Rio Red Grapefruit (pictured here) begins in December and continues until the heat of summer. Take advantage of citrus season by juicing citrus. Juiced citrus stores well in the fridge for several weeks and can be frozen for several months. This article shares my best tips for juicing citrus

As blossoms become fruit on your fruit trees, fruit should be thinned before it is an inch in diameter—thin fruit within about a month after full bloom. Fruit thinned later than this lessens the chance that fruit size will increase. For more information about how to thin fruit, read this article.

April is a good time to plant citrus in Arizona. Choose the correct variety for the location and your tastebuds. 

Early-ripening peaches (such as Earligrande, pictured here) may be ready to pick this month. The big delicious fruit is the benefit of all that thinning you did. Enjoy the fruit of your labors, and pick them before the birds get them! 

Read this article for more information about how to grow peach trees.

Arizona garden in april - passionfruit fine
Passionfruit Vine

Herbs in the low desert Arizona garden in April

Flowering dill attracts pollinators and is a great companion plant to many vegetables. 

Consider planting basil next to each tomato plant. The bees and your tomatoes will thank you. This article tells about how to grow basil

Cilantro bolts and flowers this month. Save seeds (coriander) to plant again and use in cooking. Read this post to learn more about how to grow cilantro

Arizona Garden in April

Pests this month:

Potato bugs (rollie-pollies) are active this month. Read this post for tips on managing them organically.

Genista Caterpillar on Texas Mountain Laurel. Allow for some damage or use Bt to control if infestation is severe.


  • April is a good time to plant citrus trees and fig trees.
  • Fruit trees can be planted early in the month so they have time to settle in before the heat of the summer. Look for varieties that require less than 400 chill hours, have early maturing fruit, and are self-pollinating.
  • April is an excellent time to plant most trees, bushes, and perennials, as well as frost-sensitive plants such as lantana and hibiscus. Plant summer-flowering shrubs. Do not over-plant; be aware of the mature size of the plant and space accordingly.
  • Think twice before planting cool-season annuals this month. It will be heating up soon, and their time in the ground will be short. Better to plant warm-season flowers when they are available.
  • Questions about growing citrus? This article answers 10 questions about how to grow citrus and includes guidelines for selecting, planting, watering, and fertilizing citrus.


watering grids
  • Check irrigation system and timer. Run the system and inspect all drips and sprinklers for leaks and proper watering. I use this watering system from Garden in Minutes. (Use code Angela10 to save $10 off $100.)
  • As temperatures heat up, annual plants will need more frequent watering. Water to the depth of your beds, and allow the top of the soil to dry out before watering again. 
  • Check containers with a moisture meter or ensure the top inch or so of soil has dried out before watering. 
  • Established citrus trees should be watered once every 10-14 days. 
  • Water established fruit trees once every 7-10 days.
  • Wateruseitwisely.com is a helpful resource for landscape watering guidelines.


  • Prune dead branches out of trees and shrubs.  
  • Spring-flowering shrubs can be pruned lightly after they bloom; water well after pruning. 
  • If you didn’t do it in March, clean up and remove dead or damaged wood and crossing branches on citrus. 
  • Remove water sprouts from lemon trees
  • If desired, train pomegranates to a wall or prune them to a manageable size. 
  • Don’t prune newly-planted trees or shrubs. 
  • Do not prune lavender, rosemary, sage, or thyme
  • Prune basil, lemongrass, and mint


  • Prepare soil for planting by adding compost.
  • Do not fertilize newly planted trees or shrubs.
  • Fertilize trees and shrubs in your yard as needed. Native trees and shrubs do not require extra fertilization. 
  • Fertilize strawberries and garlic this month. I use this fertilizer for my strawberries.
  • Newly planted grapes should be fertilized this month. Feed established grapes in February and May. 

Yard to do and clean-up: 

  • Thin fruit on deciduous fruit treesThis article will help explain the process. 
  • Clear out remaining cool-season vegetables
  • Collect seeds from spring wildflowers and cool-season annuals sown in October and November
  • Remove spent winter-growing annuals. Stressed plants attract pests
  • Thin warm-season annuals to keep plants from overcrowding each other. 
  • Clean up and remove dead or damaged wood and crossing branches on citrus. 
  • If you did not do it back in March, remove dead plants in yard. Look at the landscape, and make note of how plants look.  
  • Apply a 2-3 inch layer of mulch around the base of shrubs and trees. Mulching reduces soil temperatures and adds organic matter to the soil. 
  • Mulch your garden beds. Compost is a great mulch and can be worked into the soil at the end of the season. 
  • Want more information about gardening in Arizona? This blog post shares 7 tips for how to grow a vegetable garden in Arizona
 Arizona Garden in April

What to plant in the low desert Arizona Garden in April

Before planting:

  • Prepare beds for planting – Add compost and other organic matter to the soil.
  • It’s important to have your soil tested at least once a year. A soil test can determine the health of your soil. I use this test kit from Amazon.
  • Add a balanced fertilizer if needed. 
Arizona Garden in April

Vegetables, herbs & fruit to plant in the low desert in April

Arizona Garden in April

(Click the link to read “How to Grow” articles on my website.)

SEED, TRANSPLANT, OR BOTH? S = Seed / T= Transplant

Vegetable, herb & fruit seeds to start indoors in April

Arizona Garden in April

Planting Calendar for the Low Desert of Arizona

Perpetual Vegetable, Fruit & Herb Calendar shows you when to plant vegetables in the low desert of Arizona and whether to plant seeds or transplants. See it in my shop.

Flowers to plant in the low desert garden in April

Arizona Garden in April

(Click the link to read “How to Grow” articles on my website.)

  • Angelonia (T)
  • Celosia (T)
  • Chamomile (T)
  • Coleus (T)
  • Coreopsis (ST)
  • Cosmos (S)
  • Creeping Zinnia (ST)
  • Dahlia (tuber)
  • Dusty Miller (T)

SEED, TRANSPLANT, OR BOTH? S = Seed / T= Transplant

Flower seeds to start indoors in the low desert in April

Arizona Garden in April

(Click the link for seed sources.)

Perpetual Annual Flower Calendar

The Perpetual Annual Flower Planting Calendar, available in my shop, helps you learn when to plant flowers in the low desert of Arizona and whether to plant seeds or transplants.

If this post about gardening in Arizona during April was helpful, please share it:

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5 comments on "Arizona Garden in April"

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  1. Hi Angela,

    Love your website! I also live in Mesa – moved from California 2 years ago, so the information is so helpful.

    I was wondering what kind of sun exposure you recommend for dahlias. I’ve learned the hard way that when a plant tag says full sun, that doesn’t always apply to full Arizona sun.


    Lori 🙂

    1. I would definitely give them afternoon shade. I am experimenting with dahlias this year and that’s where I planted mine.

  2. Dear Angela,
    Have you been able to keep your strawberries alive thru the summer? I’m thinking about trying to grow strawberries under the South-eastern shade of my citrus trees, so they will get shade in summer, and sun in winter, but I don’t think I want to replant every year.
    Have you been able to keep them alive multiple years out here?
    Thanks so much, you inspire me so much.

    1. Hi Hannah, I usually get 2-3 years out of my strawberry plants. But you’re right they definitely need summer shade. Best of luck to you with yours.