How to Grow Garlic
Garlic is one of the easiest crops to grow, and learning how to grow garlic is simple. Even better, once you’ve grown it, you can regrow garlic yearly from your bulbs. Keep reading for garlic tips in any climate, including how to grow garlic in Arizona and other hot climates.

Article Outline:
- Choose the best garlic variety for your climate
- Plan ahead and order garlic early
- Vernalize garlic before planting
- Plant garlic at the right time
- Choose the best location for planting garlic
- Plant garlic correctly
- Care for garlic as it grows
- Harvest garlic at the right time
- Cure harvested garlic for longer storage
- Store cured garlic properly
1. Choose the best garlic variety for your climate
Learning how to grow garlic is simple. Garlic is easy to grow, but choosing the variety best suited to your climate to grow garlic successfully is important.
Hardneck varieties of garlic are cold-hardy and a good choice for those in cold climates. This type produces a flower stem or “scape” which must be removed for bulbs to fully form. The scape is edible and delicious. Hardnecks do not store as well as softneck varieties.
Softneck varieties are the best types to grow if you live in a warm climate (like the low desert of Arizona). Softneck types store well and are often braided for storage. The flavor may be less intense than hardneck types.
2. Plan ahead and order garlic early
When it is time to plant garlic, many growers are often sold out. It’s best to plan and order garlic months before it is time to plant.
- If possible, look for a local grower; they will sell varieties well-suited to your climate.
- Check the ship date of whoever you order garlic from to ensure they ship in time for your preferred planting date. (Note the time needed for vernalization of hardneck varieties in warm climates — see below).
- Many companies begin selling garlic in May and are often sold out by August. Plan ahead and order early.
Finding a source that ships garlic at the right time can be the most challenging part of growing garlic in Arizona. I’ve had the most success with garlic from Forever Yong Farms. They sell soft neck varieties that are well-suited to growing in the low desert of Arizona, and they ship them in time for planting. You can learn more about ordering bulbs for fall planting in this guide.
Other online retailers that sell garlic include Botanical Interests, Baker Creek, Terroir Seeds, Territorial Seed Company, Peaceful Valley Farm, and Seed Savers Exchange.
It’s best not to grow grocery-store garlic. The garlic may not be a good variety for your area and may have been treated with a growth inhibitor.

3. Vernalize garlic before planting
The bulbs must be vernalized if you live in a warm climate like Arizona and are growing a hardneck variety of garlic. Vernalize garlic cloves in a closed paper sack in the fridge (cloves intact) for at least six weeks.
Softneck varieties also benefit from vernalization, but it isn’t as critical as for the hardneck types.
If you live in a cold climate and plant in the fall, the bulbs will naturally be exposed to cooler temperatures. No artificial vernalization is necessary.
4. Plant garlic at the right time
Garlic is usually planted in the fall — from September through November. Plant garlic about a month before the soil freezes in cold climates. The best time to plant garlic in the low desert of Arizona is during October.

5. Choose the best location for planting garlic
- Choose an area that receives at least 6-8 hours of sunlight.
- Garlic grows best in loose, well-draining soil. Prepare the soil by loosening the soil to a depth of several inches.
- Raised beds or containers at least 6” deep are excellent for growing garlic. Garlic grows very well in containers.
- Garlic is a heavy feeder. Amend the planting area with compost and a balanced organic fertilizer. This is the one I use on Amazon.
- Garlic is a good companion for most crops (other than beans and peas); tuck a few bulbs around other vegetables to help deter pests. Learn more about companion planting in this guide.
- Plant garlic in wells of fruit trees, which may help deter common pests.

6. Plant garlic correctly
- Break apart the bulbs, and soak in a solution of fish and kelp fertilizer and baking soda (1 T per gallon of water) for at least eight and up to 24 hours.
- The baking soda has antibacterial benefits and the fertilizer stimulates growth.
- Plant with the flat side (roots) facing down and the pointy side (sprouting side) facing up.
- Plant cloves 2-3” deep and 4-6” apart. For square-foot gardening, plant 9 per square.
- Mulch planting area well, especially in cold climates.

7. Care for garlic as it grows
Water well when new leaves are forming and garlic is actively growing. In the winter, if outdoor temperatures are below freezing, pause watering until temperatures rise again.
In late winter feed garlic once again.
Cut off flower shoots (scapes) on hard-neck garlic as they emerge to encourage bulb development.

8. Harvest garlic at the right time
Garlic is ready to harvest when about half the lower leaves are brown, and the cloves are plump and well-formed. Garlic left in the ground too long will begin to split and the garlic will not store well.
In the low desert of Arizona, garlic is often ready to harvest during May.

Stop watering when the lower 3-4 leaves brown. Dig up a test bulb to check on size. About a week later, harvest the garlic by gently lifting it with a fork rather than pulling. Do not rinse or trim roots and stems after harvesting.
What if your garlic seems to be sprouting from individual cloves? That’s called witch brooming. You can learn more about it here: Witch Broom Garlic: What’s Wrong with My Garlic

9. Cure harvested garlic for longer storage
Allow the harvested garlic to cure in a shady, well-ventilated area. The ideal temperature for curing is around 75-80°F (this may need to be inside if you live in a hot summer climate like Arizona). Provide a slight breeze with a fan (if possible) if it is indoors.
Softneck garlic can also be braided and hung up to cure. Lay the garlic out in a single layer on a rack or floor, or braid the stems of soft neck varieties.
Allow the garlic stems to wither and the papery skins to tighten around the cloves. Trim roots and trim stems to about 1″ when the necks are moisture-free, completely tight, and dry.

10. Store cured garlic properly
- Store bulbs in a dry, cool place. A great way to store garlic is in mesh net bags (I use these mesh bags from Amazon) hung up in a cool place.
- Check cloves regularly, and use any soft ones right away. Softneck varieties will store longer than hardneck varieties.
- Save the largest cloves for planting next year. Leave the stored cloves intact.
Wondering what to make with your garlic? Try this recipe: How to Make and Freeze Roasted Garlic.

Looking for more information about gardening in Arizona? This blog post shares 7 tips for how to grow a vegetable garden in Arizona.

Get my favorite recipe for garden fresh vegetable stock in this post.

Read this post for more information about growing herbs in the low desert of Arizona.
I planted my garlic and onions into ½ whiskey barrels against a west facing wall. This was great protection during the winter but wondering if I should move to a cooler/shader location now that temps are going up. They both have 1 ½ ‘ green tops on them. I am in Gilbert.
If you have another spot with afternoon shade that you could move them too, it may keep them from drying out quickly and getting stressed. If not, be sure to water them well. Containers dry out more quickly and need to be watered about daily when our temps heat up.
Will garlic grow if planted now in May? I love garlic and to
Plant my own m
It depends on where you live. In the low desert of Arizona garlic is planted in October and it grows through the winter and is harvested at the end of May. Arizona’s summer heat is too much for garlic.
I’m going to try growing garlic this year. I received my garlic in brown bags. Do i need to close them and store them in the fridge or add some holes ventilation into the paper bags and then store them in the fridge?
You don’t need to put holes in the bags, you can simply put the brown paper bags with the garlic in the fridge. Turn the tops down a few times to close the bags.
i’m just putting my garlic in the fridge, and it’s Nov. 15th, that means I cannot plant until end of Dec. is this an issue living in Gilbert, AZ?
It would be better to get it planted now, rather than waiting for them in the fridge.
My husband and children put in an in ground garden For me for Mother’s Day. They put many different plants in for me, one being garlic. I’m from NE and never planted garlic close to each other, but these bulbs are right next to on another. In Tucson I am afraid it will be too hot for the garlic but also the way they were planted at the nursery they are too crowded. Should I dig them up now? They were flowering when they brought them home.
What a thoughtful Mother’s Day gift! Once the garlic is flowering it should be pulled. Next season try planting bulbs in the fall and giving them a little bit more room. That may help.
Great article for Phoenix gardeners! I just received inchelium red bulbs from baker creek heirloom seed company. Going to put them in the fridge today but October is coming up quickly and need to get them in the ground. Do you think I should give them 6 weeks in the fridge and plant them at the end of October or should I just leave them in the fridge for 2 weeks and plant them early October?
Soft neck varieties (like the one you are planting) benefit from but do not require vernalization (chilling). I’d pop them in the fridge until you are ready to plant, but don’t delay planting to chill them.
Do you water the garlic during the arizona winters?
The garlic in the garden beds get watered as much as the raised beds do (1-2 times per week) the garlic planted in the fruit tree wells get watered much less, maybe once a month depending on how wet the winter is.
If I order garlic now at the beginning of October will I still have time too plant or should I wait until next year?
Order soft neck varieties, they don’t need chilling as much. I would get it planted as soon as you can. Better late than never, garlic can be pretty forgiving.
I just used cloves from the ones from the store I use to cook with. It was just a test. Not sure if hard or soft. Planted them last fall, its March 2021. If they are soft neck approx when would they be ready?? I have one that grew much sooner than the rest and is larger. I keep thinking that one may be ready, but the rest are definitely not ready no matter if hard or soft. Those I will just keep an eye on as May rolls around.
Good plan. You can harvest early for young garlic, but for the best bulbs leave in the ground until May here in the low desert.
Where do you get your garlic? I’m in Southern Nevada, about 5-10 degrees cooler than Phoenix and I can’t find a supplier that will ship garlic for desert planting.
I’ve been getting mine at Forever Young Farms the last couple of years and love it. I know they are sold out for the season this year though.
I just wanted to say thank you! I actually read this article quite a while ago, and I was so grateful for your suggestion to try Forever Yong Farms. I ordered my garlic in June and it arrived last Thursday. Now, it is the refrigerator vernalizing. I’m in Gilbert, and it was so great to find a company that specializes in garlic for southern growers. Thanks again for the recommendation! I am a rookie at growing garlic, so if there are any specific varieties for our area that you just love, I would love to hear them!
You’re welcome! What a great feeling to have the garlic in the fridge already. I’ll let you know on the varieties. I’m trying to be better at keeping them separate after harvest but they usually get combined.
I received my garlic yesterday. Renee’s early California garlic. Should I put them in the frig or straight to the dirt. I’ve never grown garlic so a bit nervous that I’m going to kill them before I even get started. Lol
You can plant right away or pop in the fridge (cloves intact) until you are ready to plant. You’ve got this!
I’m trying to get the timeline straight in my head, so not sure if I have this right.
I should be putting the garlic in the fridge around mid-August, to plant in Oct and harvest in May.
And if I don’t want to chill the garlic, I just plant in October and let it go until May anyways?
I garden in Southeast Arizona.
Right – If you are growing a soft neck variety you may not need to put it in the fridge. Most garlic is ready to harvest at the beginning of May. Hope that helps.
I have grown garlic for the first time this year but have grown onions for a few years. I pulled my first garlic plant/bulb and it was perfect, however, when I pulled a few more, all the bulbs had separated into individual cloves and each clove has shot its own shoot (as in they had gone from being a tight bulb and became open separate cloves still joined at the roots with some of the cloves appearing to have formed into their own bulb). Other plants just have what appears to be a single large clove. Not sure what I’ve done wrong. Did I leave them in the ground too long? (I’m in Queensland, Australia so we have opposite seasons to you). Thanks
Hi, yes they were probably left in the ground too long.
@Angela Judd,
Thank you Angela. I just re-read this webpage and now see that it does mention about the bulbs splitting if left too long. I actually had no idea when to pull them (found this page after I pulled them). I will try again next year and pull them earlier. Thanks again.
Hi Angela, this is our second year doing garlic (from forever young) in Phx and I just checked the bulbs, they are so small. We have followed the directions so I am wondering why the bulbs are so small? Like a small walnut. Any ideas?
That’s frustrating. Let them keep going for a bit – hopefully, they will grow more. Each year is different.
Hi Angela,
I bought 2 varieties of soft neck garlic from Botanical Interests last fall and didn’t have enough space to plant them all. I forgot about them and still have them in a dark cabinet. Can I plant them this year?
Hi. If they are not rotten or soft, then yes they should be fine. Wait to separate the bulbs until it is time to plant.
I’m planting garlic for the first time and this was very helpful. Thank you! The only thing I’m confused about is that you say the hardneck garlic has scapes, but you don’t say the softnect garlic has scapes. Are scapes/shoots different that the stems or leaves for softneck garlic? I’m not sure what to cut to develop the bulb underground. Thank you for the clarifications.
You don’t need to worry about cutting anything off if you’re growing softneck. They don’t have a scape that needs removed.
I live in Phoenix and ordered my garlic from a local grower and have been storing it in the fridge. However I have not been able to plant it in time before the cool season. Do you think the garlic will keep for planting next season in October?
I would go ahead and plant it now. Your bulbs may be smaller, but I don’t think it will keep until next season. You could hold back a few and see if they make it if you wanted to as an experiment.
Hi! Just planted my garlic according to your instructions and am wondering if they need watering between now and when leaves sprout? It looks like you say water well when that happens, but in the meantime do we just mulch and let them be?
Check the soil. Don’t let it dry out. But don’t overwater. It may or may not need water until it sprouts. Now that temps are cooler it probably won’t need much water until then.
Hi! I love your blog!
I have a question about soaking the garlic. I just ordered the fish and kelp. Do I mix with water as it says on the bottle and then add the baking soda? Or do I use it concentrated with the baking soda? I know it’s a little late, but here we are!
I use 1 tablespoon of baking soda and 1 tablespoon of fish/kelp solution per gallon of water to soak the garlic. Happy planting!